- Tabellae Swertiae Mileensis 青叶胆片剂
- Swertia mileensis T.N.He et W.L.Shih 青叶胆
- Study on the Germination Character of Swertia mileensis T.N.He et W. L. Shi 青叶胆种子发芽特性的研究
- Separation of alkaloids from swertia mileensis by high-speed countercurrent chromatography 高速逆流色谱分离弥勒獐牙菜中的总生物碱
- Herba Swertiae Mileensis 青叶胆
- swertiae mileensis, herba 青叶胆
- Swertia mileensisn. 青叶胆
- Swertia pulchella (D.Don) Buch.-Ham. 小当药
- Swertia vacillans (Hance) Maxim. 华南当药
- Research Advance of Resource Plant Swertia L. 资源植物藏茵陈的研究进展。
- New taxa of Swertia L. from China. 国产獐牙菜属的新分类群.
- Swertia binchuanensis T. N. Ho et S. W. Liu. 宾川獐牙菜
- Swertia diluta (Turcz.) Benth. et Hook. 兴安獐牙菜
- Tabella di sabbia, la pianificazione urbana modello. 沙盘,城市规划模型。
- To studythe anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects of Tabellae Sarcandrae. 研究肿节风片的抗菌和抗炎作用。
- OBJECTIVE To establish Standard to quality control the Tabella of Kechuantina. 目的建立复方氯哌斯汀片的质量控制标准。
- Conclusion: Swertia Punicea has significant the cholagogic action. 结论:紫红獐牙菜有明显的利胆和促进胆红素排泄的作用。
- Application of Qiangli Shengbai tabella in the radiotherapy of tumor. 强力生白片在肿瘤放疗中的应用。
- RESULTS The differences of Swertia mussotii Franch.and Halenia elliptica D. 结果獐牙菜、花锚在原植物形态、显微特征、薄层色谱图上有明显区别。
- Objective To observate the clinical effect of tabellae adhaesivus of capsaicin in treating postherpetic neuralgia(PHN). 目的观察复方辣椒素贴片治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛(PHN)的临床效果。