- Their TV news is going to cover it. 他们的电视新闻将报导这一消息。
- A: I enjoy watching TV news after supper. 晚饭后我喜爱看电视新闻。
- And their TV news is going to cover it. 他们的电视新闻将会报道此事。
- The TV news warned us of the coming typhoon. 电视新闻警告我们要防范即将来袭的台风。
- Firstly, the communicator in the TV news program. 一、关于电视新闻类主持人节目的传播者。
- Did you watch the TV news about the deadly car accident last night? 你昨晚有没有看到那起有关死亡车祸的新闻报导?
- The baseball game was cut off by the TV news broadcast. 棒球比赛因为电视新闻转播而被中断了。
- After all, you can switch off the TV news and put on Dick Van Dyke. 毕竟,你可以不看新闻而去收看迪克?凡戴克的节目。
- It is the kind of TV news coverage every president covets. 所有总统都垂涎这类电视新闻报导。
- The African children in refuge camps shown on TV news miserable. 从电视新闻中看到,非洲难民营里的孩子真可怜。
- My mother is coming in an hour. Let's watch the TV news and kill some time. 我妈一小时后才回来,我们看电视新闻消磨时间吧。
- Our story begins with this TV news report aired by Henan TV in July. 我们的故事从这条河南电视台都市频道7月份播出的一条新闻说起。
- After dinner, he wore the Jin Leng underpants, watch half hour TV news again. 半小时后,换上返工的衣裤,开始上班的旅程。
- The Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB) provides a similar service to Cable TV News Channels. 此外,警察公共关系科也向有线电视新闻台提供同类的服务。
- The truth is that we seldom use it except to plug in on the world for 3 0 minutes each night through TV news . 事实上,我们除了每天晚上收看30分钟的国际新闻外,很少使用这台电视机。
- The truth is that we seldom use it except to plug in on the world for 30 minutes each night through TV news. 事实上,我们除了每天晚上收看30分钟的国际新闻外,很少使用这台电视机。
- A TV news reporter is interviewing someone who has just saved a little boy at the beach. 一位电视新闻记者正在沙滩上采访刚刚救起一个落水小男孩的英雄。
- They say that to watch TV news makes them upset,9 because there is no good news on TV. 他们说看电视新闻令他们沮丧,因为电视上没有好消息。
- Many TV news programs are accompanied by sign language.More and more TV programs and films have subtitles. 不少电视台开办了电视手语新闻栏目,越来越多的电视节目和电影加配了字幕。
- I am referring to the shots used in the TV news reporting of the ceremony at midnight on July 1, and a recent headline in the one of your newspapers. 这两项报道包括电视新闻报道在七月一日午夜交接仪式所拍摄的片段,以及贵国其中一份报章最近一则头条。