- We have TV media resource that are worth billions! 我们将拥有价值上亿的电视媒体资源!
- The regionalization of TV program is premise for regionalization of TV media. 电视节目区域化是电视媒介区域化的前提。
- The catering of TV media to the voycurist needs of the audience is the impetus for the vulgarization of TV culture. 摘要电视媒介迎合观众“窥视癖”的需求是电视文化庸俗化的重要原因之一。
- This is the greatest temptation for the faithful, persistent TV lovers and the useful instruments to beat TV Media. 这对一些忠实而固执的电视迷来说是最大的诱惑,也是互联网对抗电视媒体最有力的杀手锏。
- The catering of TV media to the voyeurist needs of the audience is the impetus for the vulgarization of TV culture. 电视媒介迎合观众“窥视癖”的需求是电视文化庸俗化的重要原因之一。
- Under the pluralism of modern sociefy, main-steam TV media has to learn to attract audlience by digging the typical person. 在当今社会多元化状态下,主流电视媒体需要学会通过对典型人物的挖掘来引导受众,在贴近实际、近生活、近群众的实践中打造电视“精神品牌”。
- Johny Ji began his media career in CSM Media Research Company in 1998, the year with TV media dramatically developing in China. 在中国电视媒介蓬勃发展的1998年,计广初先生在央视索福瑞媒介研究公司开始了他的媒介生涯。
- Being a very important role of TV media, the profession of TV program anchors plays its special role in the fields of TV production. 摘要作为电视媒体的重要组成方面,电视节目主持人所从事的是一种特殊的工作。
- Our TV media industry should use the experience of the world media development,conform to the trend of the industry development and actively do well our TV media market. 我国电视传媒业要应对加入WTO之后国际传媒业的“入侵”压力,就必须借鉴世界电视传媒业的发展经验,顺应行业发展趋势,积极做好我国电视传媒市场化大整合的各项研究和准备工作。
- Downward inference, we might as well bold and suppositional, after network video media develops through these a few years, can divide a cup of a thick soup from inside TV medium. 往下推论,我们不妨大胆推想一下,网络视频媒体经过这几年发展以后,能不能从电视媒体里面分到一杯羹。
- The Chinese city TV media have been limited those factors including fund, technology, market and system, their existence environments are face with a serious challenge. 而中国城市电视媒体受限于资金、技术、市场及体制等因素,其生存环境也正面临着巨大的挑战。
- For quite a long time, position of TV estate advertisement is awkward, as chickening ribs, make a TV medium and encounter of estate advertising beauty hard. 长久以来,电视房地产广告地位尴尬,如同鸡肋,难以制造出电视媒体与房地产广告的美丽邂逅。
- "Also, CCTV - the state TV media of China - and the Xinhua news agency both reported almost immediately after the quake happened, and have sent dozens of correspondents to the quake area. “此外,中央电视台-国家电视媒体中国-和新华通讯社报道,双方几乎立即地震发生后,发生的,并已派出数十名记者到地震区”。
- Chapter 3 sorted the system vicissitudes and current situation of Chinese TV media in order to cover the practical importance of“glocalization”theory on the development of China TV media. 最后一部分探讨了中国电视媒体的“球土化”发展策略与实践。
- With the rapid development of correlative technology and digitalization, TV content industry has gradually broken away from the dependence of the traditional TV media and got unattached promotion. 数字化及相关技术的快速发展,使电视内容产业逐渐脱离了对传统电视媒体的依赖,获得了快速的独立发展。
- WorldCom's vice president of Warner Bin Cui said the mobile TV into the TV media approach can help mobile operators from the television advertising market for television to a certain share of running. 世通华纳副总裁崔斌称,这种把移动电视纳入电视媒体的做法能够帮助移动电视媒体运营商从电视广告市场上争取到一定投放份额。
- She made a guest appearance on his TV show. 她在他的电视节目中出场客串。
- Please unplug the TV before you go to bed. 临睡前请拔下电视机的插头。
- He tried to flog me a broken TV set. 他一个劲儿向我兜售一个破电视机。
- The film has been screened in the cinema and on TV. 这部电影已在电影院及电视上放映。