- A headliner of the Moscow Circus from 1981-1990, she has performed extensively in Europe, South America, Asia and North-America. 阿的莫斯科马戏团 , 从1981-1990年顶蓬,她演出足迹遍及欧,南美,亚洲和北美。
- The Moscow Circus has resorted to vodka -- plenty of it -- to keep two Indian elephants warm while they perform in chilly Mongolia. 为了给在寒冷的蒙古表演马戏的两只印度大象御寒,莫斯科马戏团想尽招数,最后给它们"灌"下了不少伏特加。
- Last time the Moscow Circus was in Ulan Bator was over 25 years ago, when Russia was still the center of the mighty Soviet Union, and Mongolia was its obedient satellite, according to the Ulan Bator Post. 据乌兰巴托邮报介绍,莫斯科马戏团上一次来到乌兰巴托是在25年前,当时俄罗斯还是国力强大的苏联的中心,而蒙古则是苏联的“卫星国”。
- The action of salt on ice causes it to melt. 盐作用於冰而使其融化。
- The boys were regaling on ice creams. 男孩们在美滋滋地大吃冰淇淋。
- The score was20-10 in the last inning, and our team had the game on ice. 上局积分是20比10, 我们队大有获胜的希望。
- The plan for the new book is on ice at the moment. 写新书的计划暂时已搁置。
- They kept the invention on ice for ten years. 他们把这项发明搁置了十年。
- The boys were regaling on ice cream cones. 男孩们在美滋滋地大吃冰淇淋。
- I ste ed on ice and fell to the ground. 我踩到了一块冰,跌倒在地。
- The plan for the new book is on ice at the moment. I've been busy with too many other things. 写那本新书的计划暂时搁一下,我一直忙于太多其它的事情。
- Riding a bike on ice is what grabs me. 在冰上骑车对我很有吸引力。
- The man yelled a warning to the boys on ice. 那个人大声向冰上的男孩们警告。
- Syrup or sweet sauce poured on ice cream. 糖浆,糖汁浇在冰淇淋上的糖浆或甜汁
- For Sadat, the Moscow summit communique was the last straw. 对萨达特来说,莫斯科最高级会谈的公报是他不能忍受的最后一击。
- Don't throw it away. You'd better keep it on ice. 别扔掉它,你最好留下以后用。
- Let's put the topic on ice for the moment. 我们暂且不要讨论这个问题。
- I have another on ice ready for you,sir. 我为您准备了另一杯下冰块的,先生。
- In 1980, 62 nations heeded the US call to boycott the Moscow games. 1980年,62个国家响应美国的号召抵制莫斯科奥运会。