- Rigorously Controlling the Molten Steel Quality to Guarantee the Product Qualification Ratio of steel Castings 严格控制钢水质量,保证铸钢件产品合格率
- Brother could you tell me the molten steel?Is the body inlaid copper piercing? 兄台能否告知钢水如何?剑身嵌铜有没有穿透啊?
- During measurement,the immersion period of the probe in the molten steel should no exceed 8 second. 测量时按要求控制好探头在钢水中停留的深度和时间,时间不得超过8秒。
- The major equipments are the ladle and the mould. a ladle is a container to hold the molten steel tapped from the steel making furnace. 主要的铸锭设备有盛钢桶和钢锭模。盛钢桶是用来盛装从炼钢炉放出的钢液的容器。
- The main strument of reducing cold bending crack of Q235 is purifying the molten steel and lessening the inclusion. 消除铜板冷弯开裂的主要措施是提高钢水的纯净皮以减少其内部夹杂物。
- So, the casting speed plays an efficient role in readjusting the molten steel surface level in pool and rolling force. 铸轧速度是调节熔池液面高度和轧制力的有效手段。
- The higher porous baffle wall can improve the flow pattern of the molten steel and enhance the metallurgical effect in tundish. 多孔高挡墙可以改善钢水流态、提高中包冶金效果。
- All the men working in the Melt Shop of the steel mill soon learned to be very careful around the furnace and the ladles full of molten steel. 工作在钢铁厂的融解商店的所有人充分很快学会非常小心在熔炉和杓子溶解的钢附近。
- Only to rigorously observe the technological regulations of smelting operations,and strictly make checks at materials,the molten steel quality just can be stabilized. 只有严格遵守冶炼操作工艺规程,严把进料关,才能稳定铸钢件质量。
- This paper describes the molten steel condition of heavy rail steel for No.5 continuous caster,the process parameters such as casting rate,superheat temperature,and so on. 文中阐述了5%23铸机生产重轨钢连铸钢水供钢条件、连铸工艺过程中拉速与过热度等工艺参数。
- The molten lava ran down the mountain. 熔岩从山上流下来。
- In bottom pouring, the molten steel is poured into a central trumpet, from where it flows through runners to the bottom of a number of ingot moulds. The steel rises slowly in the moulds without turbulence. 下注法是把钢液浇人中心注管,钢液从中心注管通过流钢槽流到若干个钢锭模底。钢液在模内不受搅动平稳上升。
- Scalding molten steel is in the crude iron ladle. 钢包里是滚烫的钢水。
- The molten lava got into every nook and cranny on its downward path. 熔岩向下流动时,无缝不钻,无孔不入。
- The effect of different operation parameters on the molten steel flow in the mould in No.2 Steelmaking Plant, WISCO has been studied via the three-dimensional flow field software developed by the authors. 利用开发的三维流场计算软件,研究了操作参数对武钢二炼钢板坯连铸机结晶器内钢液流动的影响。
- Molten steel containing both manganese and chrome had been refined by the molten slag of CaO-SiO2FeO-MnO-Cr2O3-MgO System under AC arc and DC arc with 200A and 32D - 350A(steel bath as anode). 研究交流电弧和200A及320-350A的直流电弧(金属熔池为阳极)熔炼钢液时的渣/金反应。
- Refining is achieved by the addition of lime, fluorspar and iron oxide to the melted steel. 在熔化了的钢中加入石灰、氟石和铁的氧化物;就可以把钢提纯.
- The molten metal was run into a mould. 熔化的金属被倒进模内。
- Ltd.were introduced,such as the composition control and castability of the melting steel. 阐明了为解决此问题所采取的技术措施和收到的效果。