- Where is the source of the Rhine? 莱茵河发源于何处?
- One of you two must be the believer of our church. 那这样,你们两人必须有一人是本教堂的信徒。
- Where is the source of the River Thames? 泰晤士河的源头在哪里?
- We quickly learned the source of the excitement. 我们很快就知道了愤慨的原因。
- The name of the source file where the. 方法的源文件的名称。
- Gets the DNS name of the source server. 获取源服务器的DNS名称。
- The production of this catalogue is in suspicion of the believability of print and media. 这次画册的制作是对印刷和传媒的可信度的质疑。
- The object that is the source of the event. 作为事件源的对象。
- To interpret the encoding of the source files. 指定的代码页来解释源文件的编码。
- We couldn't locate the source of the radio signal. 我们无法确定无线电信号的来源。
- The source length of the current document. 当前文档的源长度。
- The length of the source column at Publisher. 发布服务器上源列的长度。
- The sanctification of the believer is in view. 这里所指的,就是信徒的成圣。
- Is the name of the source object. 源对象的名称。
- Is the owner of the source object. 源对象的所有者。
- That more fully describes the source of the error. 关联的字符串,它更完整地描述错误源。
- The failures of the believers do not invalidate the truth. 信徒的失误或犯错并不能改变真理。
- Returns the source text of the code item. 返回代码项的源文本。
- In the same time, the intelligentsia in the period of the May 4th Movement were all the believers of cosmopolitanism and sought the enlightening ideal of humanism and great harmony world. 同时,五四知识分子都是世界主义的信奉者,他们追求人道主义和世界大同的启蒙理想。