- TDP Single Punch Tablet Press 单冲压片机
- single punch tablet press 单冲(头)压片机
- He laid his opponent low with a single punch. 他一拳就把对手打倒在地。
- He flattened the intruder with a single punch. 他一拳就把闯入者打倒在地。
- He laid his opponent lowwith a single punch. 他一拳就把对手打倒在地。
- The tablet press is in set up mode. 压片设定模式。
- The tablet press is running in set up mode. 压片按设定模式运行。
- The tablet press is switched off with a fault. 压片开关故障。
- Let the tablet press produce for some revolutions. 让片剂按产品要求生产。
- Methods OND-OPT were prepared with a single punch press and pan coating technique. 方法以锅包衣法制备OND-OPT。
- The tablet press is running in set up mode and the compaction force of the prepared punch is still lying outside the tolerance limit plus. 片剂按设定模式运行,标记冲杆压力在正公差之外。
- Start the tablet press and ensure that the compaction force of the prepared punch still exceeds the tolerance limit plus. 启动压片,确保标记冲杆压力在正公差之外。
- Switch off the system at the main switch of the tablet press. 压片主开关关闭系统。
- Switch the tablet press from production to set up mode. 压片开关设定到生产模式。
- Switch the tablet press from set up to production mode. 压片置于生产模式。
- The tablet press is switched off at the main switch. 关闭压片主开关。
- The deduster starts working as long as the tablet press is in production mode. 压片在生产模式下除尘器工作。
- The tablet press is switched off with a fault and the deduster is stooped. 压片故障停止,除尘器停止。
- The use of single punch retainers should only be utilized when a single punch is required, not when a number of punches reside close together. 单个冲头的固定座仅仅使用在仅一个冲头的地方,不使用于很多冲头靠在一起的地方。
- Repeat the test action 3 until you have checked the complete output range in which the tablet press operates. 重复第3项检测直到压片输出范围完成为止。