- With the developing of modern analytical techniques and indication of TCM theories,we believe that the pharmacokinetic study will be c... 但随着现代分析技术的迅猛发展,在中医药理论的指导下,通过多学科的共同努力,相信中药的药动学研究将得到不断的更新和完善。
- The cunkou pulse is an important part of one's body, in TCM theory. 在中医理论中,气口是人体的重要部位之一。
- Objective To study the property of clozapine with TCM theory. 目的探讨氯氮平的中药样性能及意义。
- In TCM theory, the nephritis of Henoch-Schonlein purpurabelongs to purple maculation, edema, hematuria and so on. 紫癜性肾炎属于中医“紫斑”、“水肿”、“尿血”等范畴。其病因由于外感风热毒邪扰动血络;或食异物,秉体不受;
- In TCM theory, YinYang are used to explain physiologicalpathological phenomena of the body. 中医学运用阴阳理论来解释人体的生理和病理现象。
- The Content of Five Elements of TCM Theories 五行学说
- The reinforcing and reducing methods in moxibustion are based on the TCM theory of syndrome differentiation. 艾灸补泻是在中医辨证论治原则指导下,实施虚补实泻的操作手法。
- Objective: Setting up animal model with SFD symptom of WEOHE by utilizing TCM theory and simulating clinic cause of disease. 目的应用中医理论,模拟临床病因,建立温病湿热证湿重于热的动物模型。
- Using the TCM theory "spleen-stomach is foundation of after birth", explained the evolution law about from cell"s Yinyang to the splanchna"s Yinyang. 运用“脾胃为后天之本”的中医理论,解释了从细胞阴阳到人体内脏阴阳的演化规律。
- In clinical acu - moxi practice, Prof.CHEN put stress on the application of TCM theory guided by yin - yang theory and viewed from wholism concept. 陈全新教授在针灸学科的临床中,注重运用中医理论,以阴阳为主导,从整体观出发,将辨证、辨病与辨经有机结合,旨在调和脏脏阴阳。
- It is actin microfilaments motor system.The study has made a try to create a unification base between function and form in TCM theory. 本研究为中医理论能够建立在功能与形态相统一的基础之上做出了一种尝试。
- This method to divide the five zang-organs` function into fundamental function and derivational ones, is an attempt to reacquaint the TCM theory. 这种对五脏功能进行的基本和衍生的划分,是我对中医基础理论进行重新认识的一种尝试。
- Besides, it accounts the progress of mechanism of TCM external treatment both in TCM theory and modern TTS (transdermal therapeutic system) technique. 论文先从整体上整理总结了应用外治的数量、病种、方法、剂型和给药部位等。
- We treat the PNS with the Cordyceps inensis ( Berk) Sass(CS) according to TCM theory and CS's pharmacological function while matching Metacortadracin and get an ideal result. 我们根据中医理论及虫草制剂百令胶囊的药理和作用配合激素,于临床治疗PNS取得了理想的效果。
- TCM theory is a systematic and rational regime studying the life phenomena of human body, and related influence predominated by the traditional Chinese culture. 其主要理论范畴有道、气、阴阳、五行等,用以阐释人体生命现象及其影响关系,指导中医临床养生防病治疗实践,并且在发展进程中不断自我完善,支撑着中医学的特色和传承。
- According to TCM theory, chronic granulocytic leukemia was caused heal toxin and static blood which obstruct bowels and viscera and channels.Evil repletion was the main pathology. 3.;慢性粒细胞白血病多为热毒瘀血壅滞脏腑经络所致;以邪实为主。
- Sure. According to TCM theory, the occurrence of diseases is the incoordination between YinYangthe treatment of diseases is the reestablist8nt of the equilibrium between them. 医生:没问题。根据中医理论,疾病的发生是阴阳失调所致。而疾病的治疗阴阳的平衡。
- Physiology of the five Zang-organs:In the TCM theory, the five Zang-organs` function includes 2 components approximately: the fundamental function and the derivational function. 中医理论中,五脏的生理功能大致可划分为基本功能和衍生功能两部分。
- When TCM theory lived in the early and middle period of its formation,the abstract philosophical system was more elastic and advantageous than the concrete material system. 中医学在其体系形成的初、中期,其抽象的哲学化的体系比具体的物质基础构成的体系更具有弹性和优越性。
- As noted in TCM theory, a combination of the health effects of a natural stone turquoise, on the human body, lumbar, abdominal, shoulder, knee a hot compress. 根椐中医理论、结合具有疗效保健效果的天然石一绿石,对人体的腰、腹、肩、膝进行热敷。