- Silent Fist Kata Fun type skill. 等级静寂之拳。
- I am sorry that I can\'t type chinse here. 不巧我这里无法输入中文。
- The devitrification producct is H and T type crystal SmBO3. 玻璃的析晶产物主要是六方(H)与三斜(T)晶型的硼酸钐晶体。
- Methods In 8 cases, “T” type duct was withdrawn after biliary graphy, net-basket-catheter was introduced along though the guide wire. 方法8例患者先行“T”型管造影,拔除“T”型管,沿导丝引入网篮导管,套住结石一并取出,再行“T”型管再置术。
- Methods To evaluate effect of TBL,It was measured capacity of foot swelling with T type test tube and counted CIA rat PLT. 方法采用CIA大鼠动物模型,容积法测量足肿胀度,血小板计数,整体X线片分析骨质破坏情况。
- You can use keyboard shortcuts at light speed, blindfolded, but you can’t type a paragraph of text without staring at the keyboard. 你闭着眼睛就能快速敲出很多快捷键,但是输入一段文字却不得不眼睛盯着键盘找字母在哪里。
- Good translation and typing skills. 良好的翻译与打字技能.
- Finally the checking computations on the torsion resistance of inverted T type copings in construction periods and on corbels according to American codes are explained especially. 文中特别讲解了如何对倒T盖梁进行施工阶段抗扭验算和参照美国规范进行牛腿验算。
- By the hydraulic engineering modle experiment of Liaofang hydraulic project,we adopted the energy dissipation method which took the T type pier as the auxiliary dissipater. 通过水工模型试验,廖坊水利枢纽工程采用T型墩为辅助消能工的消能形式,不但大大缩短了消力池的长度,而且得到较好的水流流态,满足了下游防冲要
- The electron micrograph of axial section A shows that , for T type CPE/SGF composites , coupling agent increases the binding force between two phases , the matrix... 复合材料在毛细管流变仪中均存在着明显的旋转流动。
- By this children can work out problems quickly but what they have learned is just typing skill not mathematics skill, so I think computer should be banned in class. 这样孩子们可以很快地解决问题,但是他们学到的只是打字技巧而不是数学技巧;因此,我认为在课堂上应禁止使用计算机。
- Objective: To explore the prevention of adhesion of uterine cavity or endocervical canal by installation of T type intrauterine device after hysteroscopic electroresection. 摘要目的:宫腔镜电切术后放置T型节育器预防宫腔或宫颈管粘连。
- Administrative assistant to an executive where short-hand and typing skills will be assets. 高级管理人员的行政助理,将用上速记和打字技能。
- Typing skills and imagination are all that is needed. 所需的只是打字技能和想象力。
- We are all handicapped in comparison to her typing skills! 与她打字的技能相比,我们才是废人!
- Good typing skills should enhance your chances of getting job. 过硬的打字技术会增加你找工作的机会。
- The “L”“T” type joints of P208 pump oil warm-up pipeline were scoured by the vortexing,and the evorsion led to crack in weld.The leakage reason and countermeasure were discussed. 分析了炼油装置P208泵预热油浆管线L、T型接头的涡流冲蚀导致焊缝开裂泄漏的原因,提出了工艺结构改进措施。
- Combined with the practical situation of main structure of Xiangjiapo cloverleaf junction,this paper summed up the practical application with T type beams horizontal move technique in construction. 文中结合向家坡立交主线桥的实际情况,就T型梁横移工艺在建设中的实际应用做了深入的总结,详细阐述了该技术的具体施工方法、施工流程和施工工艺。
- So, right there you can see there are ways to increase orb drops, and thats outside of other leeching type skills, regen skills, etc. 所以,现在吸血技能和重生技能等之外,我们还有多种方法增加血球的掉落。
- I suggest you bone up on your typing skills before going to the job interview. 我建议你去参加工作面试之前先苦练一下打字。