- T oday we visited Venasque. 今天我们到Venasque去参观。
- How long is it since we visited your mother? 自从我们看望你母亲以来到现在有多长时间了?
- We visited the museum, a steel and glass structure. 我们参观了博物馆,它是一座钢和玻璃的建筑物。
- T oday, March 12th, is the Arbor Day in China. 今天是3月12,中国的植树节。
- We visited an art show this morning. 今天上午我们参观了一个画展。
- We visited a museum of natural history. 我们参观了一个自然博物馆。
- We visited the tomb of Shakespeare. 我们参观了莎士比亚的墓。
- We visited the Chinese community in San Francisco. 我们访问了旧金山的华人社区。
- We visited the Yangtse Gorges last summer. 去年夏天我们游历了长江三峡。
- We visited an aquatic city in Italy. 我们在义大利访问过一个水上城市。
- Domain Name System(DNS)is the base for many ser-vices on Internet t oday. 域名系统(DNS)是Internet的基础架构,IPv6的新特性也需要DNS的支持。
- The region we visited showed the scars of the civil war. 我们访问的那个地区经历过内战,满目疮痍。
- We visited the church where Schubert sang in the choir. 我们访问了舒伯特曾在其唱诗班中歌唱的那个教堂。
- T oday, suddenly the mood be very good, hence, oneself computer in some original things once written all announce! 今天,突然心情很好,于是乎一下子就把自己电脑中所写过的一些原创东西都发表啦!
- During our stay in London, we visited Buckingham Palace. 我们在伦敦逗留期间参观了白金汉宫。
- T oday is quiet a special day to me, there's some reason, but allow me not to explain it here today. 今天就个人而言是特别的一天,有一些原因,容我今日未述。
- We visited Xiao Li and Xiao Zhang's room. 我们参观了小李和小张的房间。
- Michael, it's very close and it won't have escaped your notice that Fernando Alonso has qualified fifth t oday and you're on the front row for Ferrari. 问:迈克尔,竞争非常激烈。你应该没有忽略费尔南多-阿隆索(阿隆索新闻,阿隆索说吧)在今天的排位赛拿到了第五名,你为法拉利车队将于明天在前排位置发车。
- We visited the House of Parliament in London. 我们参观了伦敦的英国国会大厦。
- We visited a house on the river last year. 去年我们访问了河上的人家。