- T his house i s c ondem ned. 这房子已被宣布不能住人了。
- W i n t e r i s c o m i n g . . . 怎样才可以吸引更新人下载东西呢?
- At his house I lay that night, and arrived the next morning at Burlington. 我在他家过了一夜,次日早晨到了柏林顿。
- I saw some servants in livery in his house. 我在他家里看到一些穿着制服的仆人。
- I w v h, b I w t c. I m s s m. I s b m c n t. 苏珊:我学习得很努力了,但就是太粗心,犯了一些愚蠢的错误。我下次得更细心一些。
- I s, m. I s e w b r a t n t y c. 服务员:我知道了,女士。我保证下次您再来时一切都会好的。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- I s t s a L W, w g h 150,000 y w p, t h d y g i C. 我曾经看过一篇关于梁文冲的报道,他把自己的15万元奖金都捐赠出来,用于培养中国的年轻高尔夫球手。
- I reasoned him out of selling his house. 我说服他不把房子卖掉。
- N l d t c i s g s w c d g w t q a a,d a d. 现在让我们分成几个小组,进行小组问答、讨论及辩论。
- Old Ned has a monkey on his house. 老内德的房子已抵押出去了。
- The next time he comes near this house I'll put salt on his tail. 他下次再接近这所房子,我定抓住他。
- Y c i d i t p, t P i A a t r. I t t I s p a o i b m. 本杰明:费用是分两部分收取,预付和尾款。我还以为应该在搬运之前全部交清呢。
- He makes a profit of five dollars on his house. 他卖掉房子获利五万美元。
- He set his house on fire before he took to flight. 他逃跑前,放火烧了自己的房子。
- B y t h i s w a y , w e c a n t o u c h t h e w o r l d . 哇!三日不见,变样啦!本贴跟从标题:终于有时间来看看了回复本贴跟从标题关闭本窗口手机短信
- He tried to shade his house with thick trees. 他想让这些大树把房子遮住。
- Dad: O, s c, s. D w n t t b t t Xb a wgot s? 爸爸:噢,真酷,小超人。我们出地铁后需要再坐公交车去西单图书大厦吗?
- His house is tastefully appareled. 他的房子装帧雅致。
- I u t t, a I s t, a c s s a m o h t a e t t s i s o p i a s w. 我过去认为,而且现在也认为,大学生应该把他的多数时间和精力用于学习,而不是卷入纷繁复杂的社交活动中去。