- Syrastrena regian. 弧线痕枯叶蛾
- Juglans regia L.var.orientalis Kitam. 东方核桃
- Raising fine seedling of Juglans regia L. 核桃优质苗木培育技术研究。
- Tissue Culture with Caulinary Bud in Juglans regia L. 核桃茎段组织培养。
- Title: Tissue Culture with Caulinary Bud in Juglans regia L. 关键词:核桃;茎段;组织培养;正交试验
- Superior corrosion resistance, no corrosion in acids,alkali and aqua regia. 具有优异的耐蚀性;各种酸;碱甚至王水都很难侵蚀它.
- Battle of Cape Spartivento: The Royal Navy engages the Regia Marina in the Mediterranean. 1940年,斯帕蒂文托角战役:皇家海军在地中海瑞吉亚海岸(意大利)与敌军交战。
- Relationship between the resistance of shoots and the growth vigor of Juglans regia L. 核桃枝条电阻率与生长势的关系。
- Study on Plant Morphological Characteristics of Coin Physiological Mature in Bud Grafting of Juglans regia L. 核桃芽接接穗生理成熟的植物学形态特征。
- The introduction observation and seedling production technologies of Juglans hindsii xJ. Regia. 奇异核桃引种观察及苗木培育技术。
- Definition: English Walnut Seed is the dried ripe seed of Juglans regia L. (Fam.Juglandaceae). 本品为胡桃科植物胡桃 Juglans regia L.;的干燥成熟种子。
- Juglans regia L belonged to the plant of walnut departments of walnut department, which distributed wide in China. 核桃系胡桃科核桃属植物,在我国分布范围广阔。
- Effects of Different Bud on Square Budding Survival Rate and Grafted Seedlings Growth of Juglans regia L. 不同部位芽片对核桃方块形芽接成活及生长的影响。
- The tissue structure of the pericarp of Juglans regia L.may be divided into three parts,i.e.exocarp,mesocarp and endocarp. 研究表明核桃果皮(果壳)结构可分为外、中、内果皮3层,其发育阶段可分为前后2个时期。
- It is simple to determine Ag in gold ore by adopting Atomic Absorption Spectrum (AAS) with aqua regia dissolving ore sample and CCL4 extraction it. 采用王水溶解矿样,用CCl4萃取,原子吸收光谱法测定金矿石中的银,操作简便,结果准确
- Centraldocinema: Dil chahta hai - Commento sulla pellicola indiana del 2001 con la regia e la sceneggiatura di Farhan Akhtar. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- The effect of the sewage sample treated with aqua regia(1+1),acid medium and reducing agent on the determination of the mercury were studied. 试验了王水(1+1)消解试样,并研究酸介质和还原剂用量对测定的影响。
- The application of 3% nitric acid and 3% aqua regia yielded good results in nanoscale material geochemical survey in known concealed ore districts. 在已知隐伏矿区,选用3%25硝酸、3%25王水为捕集剂的纳米物质测量试验获得良好效果。
- While sample was dissolved in aqua regia, tartaric acid as complex reagent was added in order to prevent stibium from volatilizing. 样品用王水溶解,为防止锑的挥发,加入酒石酸作为络合剂。
- With traditional aqua regia decomposition of roasted ore samples,the measurement result is usually lower than the true one. 采用传统的王水分解溶样法处理焙烧矿样中的金,测定结果偏低。