- Sweet Corn and Pimiento Salad 甜红椒粟米沙律
- Sweet Corn and Kidney Bean Salad 粟米红腰豆沙律
- Thick soup of sweet corn and seafood 海鲜粟米羹
- Sweet Corn Soup and two Yeung Chow Fried Rice, please. 粟米汤和两碟扬洲州炒饭。
- Sweet Corn Soup and two Yeung Chow Fried Rice,please. 粟米汤和两碟扬洲州炒饭。
- Try our sweet corn, and you'll smile from ear to ear. 尝尝我们的甜玉米,包你乐得合不拢嘴。
- Sweet corn cook with other ingredients and 5 bowls of water. 玉米粒与其馀材料加5碗清水大火煲沸。
- Determination of Trace Arsenic in Hair Corn and Pimiento by Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry 氢化物发生原子荧光法测定人发、玉米及辣椒中的砷
- In August there was a big supply of corn and the price touch bottom. 八月份市场上玉米大量供应,价格降到最低点。
- A New Sweet Corn F1 Hybrid -'Fengtian No. 丰甜1号甜玉米的选育。
- We winter-feed corn and oats to the animals. 在冬季我们以玉米和燕麦饲养牲畜。
- Pumpkin Maize Extraction of roasted pumpkin, sweet corn and pine nut 玉米松仁南瓜浓汤
- We eat the grains of corn and rice. 我们吃小麦和大米。
- The Economy Benefit of Sweet Corn and the High Yield Planting Technology 甜玉米的经济效益和高产栽培技术
- We eat turkeys, corn and pumpkin pie. 我们吃火鸡,玉米和南瓜派。
- Much of the corn and soy is fed to animals. 很多这样的玉米和大豆被用来喂养动物。
- Young boys dragged sacks of corn and potatoes. 稍微大点的孩子都拖着整袋的玉米和山薯。
- Jan: Oh yes, fresh corn and plump red tomatoes. 简:是啊,新鲜的玉米和多汗的红蕃茄。
- The sweet corns Lydia and Jesu brought were delicious too. 想说可以想像一下写一篇,结果想一想就吓到自己了。
- Jimmy crack corn and I don't care. 撬开裂纹玉米我不在乎。