- Swainsona salsula Taubert 苦马豆
- Swainsona salsula Taub 苦马豆
- Chemical constituents of the pericarp of Sphaerophysa salsula DC. 苦马豆果皮的化学成分。
- Either of two Australian plants of the genus Swainsona that are poisonous to sheep. 澳大利亚产的两种苦马豆属植物的任何一种,羊食有毒。
- Dr Taubert speculated that the flaonoid content of cocoa is probably the most likely explanation for the effect on blood pressure. 研究者得出结论:根据现今的随机饮食研究,使用富含可可的食物可能可以降低血压,但是喝茶无此效应。
- However Shibuya's and Taubert's editions have completely ignored thte relations and severed their inherent relationship.Consequently, Shihuya's and Tauhert's editorial principles are unreasonable. 然而涩谷版和陶伯特版都完全无视了的这种关联,割断了这三者之间的内在联系,因而,在编辑原则上都是不合理的。
- Power Thomas, Taubert Jan Hendrik Dr., Classen Hans Christoph, BACOS Silviu (只有注册会员才能浏览更多的联系人。)
- Swainsona 苦马豆属
- Sphaerophysa salsulan. 苦马豆
- Swainsonia salsula fruit 苦马豆果实
- Štaubert 施陶贝特
- Taubert 托贝尔