- Suspension force winding 悬浮力绕组
- Reduce suspension force input to body. 减少输入车体的中止力量。
- In this paper excitation modes and control stra-tegies of levitation force winding for magnetic suspension bearingless motors are analyzed. 进一步推导出绕组极数选取方案与悬浮力绕组励磁方式的关系。
- The electromagnetic force applied on the locomotive microrobot can be divided into vertical suspension force and horizontal forward force. 微机器人在运行时所受到的电磁力可以分解为垂直悬浮力和水平牵引力。
- After a day of gale force winds and driving rain I was soaking. 在一天的狂风暴雨后,我已经成了落汤鸡。
- To study the passive force characteristics of the bearingless slice motor,by 2D magnetic circuit analysis,the axial suspension force model and back torque model are built for non-PM motor. 为了研究无轴承薄片电机的被动悬浮特性,通过2D磁路分析的方法,建立了非永磁薄片电机的2D轴向悬浮力模型和回复力矩模型,并进行了有限元仿真验证。
- Can synthetic aperture radars be used to estimate hurricane force winds? 合成孔径雷达能用来估计飓风作用力吗?
- Cyclonic gale force winds (or above) are expected to blow in Hong Kong. 香港将吹烈风程度或以上的旋风。
- "I was borne again without method, you know I am a healthy man, I must abreact my need, so you are forced winding!So you are forced winding!! “我没有办法再忍了,你知道我是个健健康康的男人,我必须发泄我的需要,所以你只好委曲了!”
- revolving magnetic suspension force 旋转磁悬浮力
- It is worthwhile to note that although gale force winds were recorded on the bridges between Macau Peninsula and Taipa, only the Strong Wind Signal was hoisted there. 值得留意的是虽然不只一条连接澳门半岛与氹仔的大桥曾录得烈风,当地却只挂上三号风球;
- Through an calculation example,the variational trends of the suspension forces versus the parameters of the geometry and relative position of the sphere and the coil are predicted quantitative. 对悬浮力在随着线圈和超导球体的具体参数的变化规律做了定量的分析。
- Northeasterly winds have reached gale force in most parts of the territory, while a couple of stations are registering sustained storm force winds. 本港大部分地区正吹烈风程度东北风,数站更录得持续暴风风力。
- "People began to shout, to rise from their seats and clap and cry out, a forceful wind carrying the reverend's voice up into the rafters....And in that single note - hope! “人们开始呼喊,从座位上站起来、拍巴掌、大叫,像一阵疾风将牧师的声音带上房梁......随着他一声‘希望’出口,我听见了什么别的东西;
- And the suspension bridge from hanging vines. 悬索桥受到了悬挂着的藤的启发。
- As KOPPU continues to intensify and edge closer, winds will strengthen significantly tonight, possibly with gale force winds. 随著巨爵增强并靠近,本港风势将于今晚显著增强,并有机会吹烈风。
- Even now theClipper 07-08 crew from leg 4 speak about the gale force winds, huge seas and icyconditions that they faced in the Luzon Straits and South China Sea. 即使是现在的克利伯07-08船员腿部4谈论烈风,巨大的海洋和冰冷的条件,他们所面临的吕宋海峡和南海。
- She appealed against her suspension. 她对被停职一事已经上诉。
- Balto, however, proved his mettle when he plunged into the driving snow and hurricane force winds, at one point halting to save the team from death in the Topkok River. 可是,波图在飞雪和暴风之中,表现出不凡勇气,途中有一次停下来,全队人、犬才没有掉进托普克河淹死。
- Exact wind shift sequence and strength are still highly dependent on where MOLAVE starts its WNW turn, but by now it is likely that strong force winds will affect the territory on Sunday. 虽然风速和风向的转变仍未能完全掌握,但根据现时资料香港将可能于星期日吹强风。