- Surface pollution sources 面源
- The main pollution sources include: slag, sewage water, smoke, and tail gas. 主要污染物有矿渣,污水,烟气、尾气等。
- The water pollution sources in Fushun city were investigated in 2002. 于2002年对抚顺市辖区内水污染源进行了调查。
- UV/Ozone cleaning method can reduce the surface pollution to less than a monomolecular and up to now has been used as the ultimate process . UV光清洗技术可以减少表面污染到少于一个分子,到目前为止,一直被用于终端过程。
- The most pollution sources in Hubei province alu minium electrolysis enterprises are the electrobaths in their electrolysis works hops. 湖北铝电解企业的主要污染源是电解车间的电解槽。
- Fluoride accumulation and distribution in mulberry insects near fluoride pollution sources. 大气氟污染源附近食桑昆虫中氟的积累和分布。
- As mentioned in the Introduction, the major pollution sources at this time were threefold. 本报告引言已提到,八十年代本港河溪有三大污染源。
- The improved analytic hierarchy process method for assessment of regional industrial pollution sources. 改进层次分析法评价区域工业污染源。
- China is the biggest pollution source on earth, how to stop it? 中国是地球上最大的污染源,我们该如何终止它?
- The characteristics of internal partial discharge, moisturizing, surface pollution and thermal breakdown of ZnO surge arrsters were analyzed, and how to diagnosis these problems were introduced. 分析了避雷器内部局部放电、内部受潮、表面污秽及热破坏等现象的特点,介绍了如何根据避雷器监测结果来分析避雷器存在的问题。
- Fulfill complete problem investigation for all major pollution sources, dangerous chemicals, and environmental hazard. 立即开展各类重点污染源及危险化学品环境污染隐患的全面排查工作。
- Chemicals residua in this waste water is a pollution source. 制革废水中的污染物源于材料的残余。
- Woodware surface when rainy day will condense water vapor, if varnished by now, the water vapor will then wrap in the varnish film, will cause the woodware surface pollution not to be unclear. 木制品表面在雨天时会凝聚一层水汽,如果这时刷漆,水汽便会包裹在漆膜里,使木制品表面浑浊不清。
- China is the biggest pollution source on earth, how to stop it ? 中国是地球上最大的污染源,我们该如何终止它?
- Abstract: The most pollution sources in Hubei province alu minium electrolysis enterprises are the electrobaths in their electrolysis works hops. 文摘:湖北铝电解企业的主要污染源是电解车间的电解槽。
- The investment for the treatment of the old pollution sources is 17.45 billion yuan. 老污染源治理投资174.;5亿元。
- The pollution sources and paths of groundwater environment during Fuyu oil field exploitation were analyzed. 分析了扶余油田开发建设过程中对地下水环境的污染来源和途径。
- The result indicates that the pollution of surface water in Liaohe river basin is mainly the organic pollution, the point source polluted is weighter than the surface pollution. 结果表明:辽河流域地表水水质污染以有机污染为主,点源污染重于面源污染。
- The results suggest the potential utility of EEMs technique for trace DOM and land-based pollution sources. 本研究对海域污染治理方法、改善海域环境有着十分重要的意义。
- The result indicates that the pollution of surface water in Liaohe river basin is mainly the organic pollution,the point source polluted is weighter than the surface pollution. 结果表明:辽河流域地表水水质污染以有机污染为主,点源污染重于面源污染。