- GPON pays greater attention to multi-service support ability than EPON. GPON比EPON更注重对多业务的支持能力。
- Low technical supporting ability is an urgent problem that Liaoning traditional superior industry must deal with. 摘要科技支撑能力弱是辽宁传统优势产业面临的紧迫问题。
- In the tenth-five period, China Telecom network had enhanced the support ability in services by ceaseless optimization and upgrade. 十五”期间,中国电信网络通过不断优化和升级,明显提升了对业务的支撑能力。
- The patients with proprioceptive deficit had poorer support ability in involved leg than the patients without the deficit (P<0.05). 本体感觉障碍的偏瘫患者患肢负重能力明显差于无本体感觉障碍的患者(P<0.;05)。
- Battle damage assessment and repair(BDAR) is an important part of maintenance support ability and combat ability in war time. 战场抢修是战时维修保障能力和战斗力的重要组成部分,它的成功与否关系到战争的胜负。
- Pylon, cable wire and steel structure of supporting structure were tested and then inspected their supporting ability through the method of mechanics and emulation. 通过检测,利用力学及仿真分析评价出塔架、钢索和钢结构的支承能力;
- Warship maintains system is a complex systems , Traditional method of modeling is difficult in displaying its action process or evaluating its support ability wartime . 舰船维修系统是一个复杂系统,传统的建模方法难以表现其行为过程,并正确评估其战时保障能力。
- Grid technology has strong support ability for profounder level data integration in GIP, provides the possibility for solving isolated island of information. 它为政府信息门户中更深层次的数据集成提供了强大的技术支持,为彻底消除系统中的信息孤岛提供了可能。
- R.I.N.K.Beam.This is another support ability that doesn’t directly damage enemy units, but severely weaken both their armor and attack power.Also, the S.H.R. 和冷冻射线一样,缩小射线也是一种不通过直接伤害而给对手带来麻烦的支援性武器,它的作用是大大削弱敌方单位的防御和火力。
- Plant of cement of Hubei province actinic ever had gone in 80 time " support ability changes seek progress, dimensions benefit breaks up two times " brilliant course. 湖北省光化水泥厂在80年代曾走过“依靠技改求发展,规模效益翻两番”的光辉历程。
- I.N.K.Beam.This is another support ability that doesn’t directly damage enemy units, but severely weaken both their armor and attack power.Also, the S.H.R.I. 和冷冻射线一样,缩小射线也是一种不通过直接伤害而给对手带来麻烦的支援性武器,它的作用是大大削弱敌方单位的防御和火力。
- Much like the high templar supports the protoss units with storm, I believe having the ghost cause 50% more damage to enemies units would be a nice support ability. 就像高阶圣堂用风暴来支援神族单位。我相信让鬼兵对敌方单位造成50%25额外的会是一个不错的支援能力。
- load supporting ability of ground 地面的承载能力
- The scribe worked hard to support his family. 那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。
- I have a wife and two children to support. 我有妻子和两个小孩要扶养。
- He had to work hard to support his family. 他不得不努力工作来养家。
- The pillars have to support the weight of the roof. 这些柱子须承受屋顶的重量。
- Discretionary support ability for resource 资源的自主保障能力
- We all support his scientific research. 我们都支持他的科学研究。
- We are deeply grateful for your support. 我们深深感谢你的支持。