- Objective To Study the relationship between suicidal ideation and serum cholesterol level and smoking among schizophrenic patients. 目的探讨男性精神分裂症患者中自杀意念和血清胆固醇水平及吸烟状况的关系。
- Neither drug currently carries a warning about suicide ideation. 没有一种药物当前包含构想自杀观念的警告。
- Apart from disorders mentioned above, there were also 2.85% patients diagnosed as premenstrual dysthymia and 5.71% patients as suicidal problem (attempted suicide or suicide ideation) according to DSM-IV criteria in its appendix. 依据DSM-IV附录条目发现的经前情绪障碍为2.;85%25;自杀问题(包括自杀意念或自杀未遂)5
- "Results suggest that the onset of suicidal ideation is best predicted by depression, but depression does not predict further progression to suicide attempt," the researchers concluded. “结果显示抑郁症最佳地预测了自杀构想的发生,但是抑郁症不能预测进一步的自杀尝试过程。”研究人员总结到。
- The Relationship of University Students'Suicide Attitude, Levels of Depr ession, and Suicide Ideation. 大学生自杀态度、抑郁水平和自杀意念的研究。
- Slightly more than half of students said they fit that category, which is known as suicide ideation. 略超过半数的学生认为他们属于这种类型,也就是所谓的“自杀意念”。
- Suicide influenced suicide ideation, and then influenced the incidence of suicide. 自杀态度通过影响自杀意念,进而决定自杀行为的发生。
- Suicide ideation refers to the mentation of an attempted suicide and suicide completer at the early stage. 自杀意念是自杀未遂和有自杀死亡者早期的心理活动。
- Objective To understand the positive rate of suicide ideation of university students and its affecting factors. 目的了解大学生自杀意念的阳性率及其相关因素的影响。
- He noted that suicide ideation for patients with bipolar disorder who were taking an antiepileptic agent was “a very unusual outcome. 他注意到构想自杀观念对于服用抗癫痫药物的双相患者来说是“非常罕见”。
- Our study sample included the 1,532 students followed for five years who had completed the question on suicide ideation each year. 五年均有参与调查且未漏答自杀意念题目之学童为本研究样本,共1,532人。
- Coping with the school pressure, difficulty in making friends and other social adaptation, they may have the suicide ideation, plan and even actions. 在面对学习压力、交友困难和其他社会适应时,可能出现自杀意念,甚至做出自杀计划或实施自杀行为。
- Results The mental health of 30.9 percent of the sample should be con cerned and there were 1.3 percent freshmen with suicide ideation. 结果30.;9%25的大学生心理健康值得关注;1
- Incidence survey on suicidal ideation of undergraduates in Shanxi province 山西省大学生自杀意念现况研究
- Epidemiological Investigation of Suicidal Ideation in College Students 大学生自杀意念的流行病学调查
- Objective:To try to amend scale for suicide ideation(SSI),popular in west countries,and to test its reliability and validity in high school students under Chinese culture. 目的:尝试修订西方国家流行的自杀意向量表,并验证其在中国文化背景下高中学生群体里的信度和效度。
- Conclusion The mental health of college students with suicide ideation should be concerned, and suicide preventing strategies should he focused in health education. 结论大学生自杀倾向状况值得关注,应在教育系统内引入促进精神健康和预防自杀的策略。
- After controlling for various social factors, it was found that children whose suicide ideation became more severe were more likely to live in an area with higher divorce or unemployment rates. 加入社会环境因素之变动性指标后发现,若学童居住在离婚率或失业率较高或变高的地区,其自杀意念变严重的可能性越高。
- Evaluating the psychological features of the students with suicide ideation,the paper aims to understand and help the groups with suicide ideation,furthermore,it contributes to the effective therapy. 探讨有自杀意念大学生心理状况,分析其突出特点,对了解和帮助这部分人群的心理针对性治疗能起到一定作用。