- Suffusion ratio 满布率
- The ratio of students to teachers is 35:1. 学生和老师的比率是三十五比一。
- The ratio of schoolboys to schoolgirls is 2 to 1. 男学生和女学生的比例是2比1。
- He suffered from suffusion of blood on the brain. 他患脑溢血。
- Men outnumber women here in the ratio of three to one. 此地男子数量以三比一超过女子。
- The first or last term of a ratio or a series. 首项,末项比率或数列中第一个或最后一个项
- After-tax profit margin is the ratio of net income to net sales. 税後利润率指净收入与净销售之比。
- The ratio of men to women was two to one. 男女的比例是二比一。
- The interval between any two frequencies having a ratio of2 to1. 倍频程频率比率为2比1的两个频率的间隔
- The strike is the ultima ratio of Trade Unionism. 罢工是工联主义的最后手段。
- The cross ratio he called anharmonic ratio. 他把交比叫作非调和比。
- The ratio between the two sides is one to four. 双方人数对比是一对四。
- Petals white, often with a mauve suffusion, lorate, large, falling separately. 花瓣白色,通常具淡紫色充满,带状,大,分别下垂的。
- Subsistence only increases in an arithmetic ratio. 生活资料只能按算术级数增长。
- This is the prime ratio of the nascent increments. 这是最初增量的最初比。
- Scientists are trying to increase that ratio. 科学家正设法增加这个比率。
- Population can increase in a geometric ratio. 人口可以按几何级数增长。
- What is the current ratio for the above firm? 上述公司的流动比率是多少?
- A ratio describing the shape of a conic section. 描述圆锥曲线部分形状的比率。
- For Nasdaq, the advance to decline ratio is 6 to 5. 而美国自动报价股市的涨跌股比例则是6比5。