- Suddenly she squawked. 她突然高声粗历地叫起来。
- Suddenly she was scared to death of clear air turbulence. 她突然之间被晴空乱流吓死了。
- Suddenly she tore off down the road as if a wild animal was chasing her! 突然她沿着那条路跑掉了,就像有野兽在追她似的。
- Suddenly she was entangled in the seaweed. 突然间她被海草缠住了。
- Suddenly she felt old and out of date. 她猛然觉得自己老了,跟不上时代了。
- Suddenly she glimpsed the truth about her sister. 她突然开始了解到她姐姐的真实情况。
- Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table. 忽然,她看到一只三条腿的小桌子。
- Suddenly she knew that she had deceived herself. 突然她知道她欺骗了自己。
- And all of a sudden she was tired. 突然间,她疲劳极了。
- All of a sudden she began to cry. 她突然哭了。
- All of a sudden she bumped down. 她突然痛哭起来。
- All of a sudden she burst out crying. 她突然大哭起来。
- Suddenly she remembered an appointment. 她突然想起有一个约会。
- Suddenly she turned and caught sight of XiaoLiu. 她突然转身瞧见了小刘。
- Suddenly she turned and caught sight of me. 她突然转身瞧见了我。
- Suddenly she felt the bird go limp. 突然间,她感觉到鸟儿四肢无力。
- Suddenly she was wakened by a loud crash. 突然,她被一声很大的碰撞声吓醒。
- Suddenly she got in the car and drove toward the city. 突然她钻进汽车,朝城里的方向开去。
- Suddenly she sat up and looked him with surprising tenderness. 突然,她坐起来,用令人吃惊的温柔目光凝视着他。
- Suddenly she saw a lady all in white standing in front of her. 突然, 她看见一个全身穿着白衣服的娘子站在她面前。