- No sooner had we left the village than it began to rain. 我们刚离开村子,天就下起雨来了。
- Success and wealth transformed his character. 成功和财富改变了他的性格。
- There will be rain in all parts of the country. 全国各地将有雨。
- It looks as if it will rain before long. 看起来一会儿就要下雨了。
- After the rain the corn shot up as if by magic. 雨后玉米苗像变魔术一般的长起来了。
- Rain clouds are banking up. Hope they'll blow over. 雨云正在聚积起来。希望它们会散去。
- The window was all smeared after the rain. 下过雨后窗户都脏了。
- His success gave her vicarious pleasure. 他的成功给她如同身受的快乐。
- The street glistened in the rain. 街道在雨水中闪光。
- It will doubtless rain on sports day. 开运动会那天多半会下雨。
- The lowering clouds threaten rain. 这阴霾的云层预示即将下雨。
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。
- The rain water drips from the roof. 雨水从屋顶滴下来。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- Rain has been drumming on the windows all night. 大雨通夜不停地敲打着窗户。
- The growth of successive layers of a cell wall. 敷着,附着细胞壁连续层的生长
- Have you got any rain check for the following game? 你拿到下一场球的免费票了吗?
- A mistake now would be fatal to our success. 现在的一个错误对我们的成功将是致命的。
- It looks like rain; we'd better run for it. 天像是要下雨了,我们赶紧快跑吧。
- Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow. 乌云是雨或雪将至的预兆。