- Successful vaccination rate 免疫成功率
- For children of 2 years old, the reported vaccination rate of DPT was 95.0%, but its estimated rate was 73.9%. 2岁的DPT加强免疫报告接种率为 95 0%25 ,估算接种率为 73 9%25。
- Objective This study was conducted to understand the current status of vaccination rate in Pingguo county. 目的了解平果县免疫接种率现状。方法对近年计划免疫相关资料和麻疹发病情况进行综合分析。
- The rate of immunization certificate established was 91.9%,and the vaccination rate of BCG,OPV,DPT,MV and Hep B were 71.5%,73.0%,70.3%,63.8% and 64.4%,respectively. 调查流动儿童共5039名;其中满周岁2431名;平均建证率为91.;9%25;卡介苗接种率为71
- Resuts The HB immunization coverage rate of 3 doses, eligible vaccination and timely vaccination rate of the first dose were 83.27%, 75.68%, 49.23% respectively. 结果 湖北省儿童乙肝疫苗全程接种率、合格接种率、及时接种率分别为83.;2 7%25、75
- After the EPI clinics were developed in all the township helth centers of Lishui county in 1987,the vaccination rate and quality of vaccination were improved obviously. 溧水县自1987年开展了以乡卫生院为接种点的计划免疫门诊后,进一步提高了疫苗接种率和接种质量,达到了控制相应传染病的目的。
- Method: To get the censored units by two-stage PPS sampling,investigate its service forms and service periods of EPI,together with basic vaccination rate. 目的:探讨不同免疫服务形式和服务周期对计划免疫基础免疫接种率的影响。
- The value difference evaluation showed the reported vaccination rate of MV was doubtful, the rates of BCG, OPV, DPT and HBV were not reliable. 全省差值 (D)评价 ,报告接种率MV为“可疑” ,BCG、OPV、DPT、乙肝疫苗为“不可信” ;
- In 1962 Albert Sabin licensed a successful vaccine made from live but attenuated (disabled) polioviruses. 1962年,沙宾将活的小儿麻痹病毒减毒(去活性)而制成的有效疫苗获得了核可。
- The estimated catch up vaccinating rate were 7.35%(MV2)-73.05%(DPT). 加强免疫估计接种率分别为7.;35%25(M V 2)~73
- Robinson likes her vaccine's two-pronged defense. "There is no doubt in my mind that a successful vaccine is possible," she says. 罗宾森喜欢她的两向的疫苗防御方式。“在我看来一个成功的疫苗是可能的,这是毫无疑问的,”她说。
- As junior high school girl students being the best adaptable to the vaccinations, parental acceptance is found crucial in affecting vaccination rate. 国中女生是最适合接种疫苗的目标群体,父母的接受度是影响接种率的关键。
- The vaccination rates of OPV(4 times),DPT(4 times),MV(2 times) completed within seven years old were 38.15%,43.93%,23.70%,respectively. 7岁内完成OPV4次、DPT4次、MV2次的接种率分别为38.;15%25、43
- The vaccination rates of BCG,OPV(3 times),DPT(3 times),MV HepB(3 times) completed within one year old were 55.20%,53.76%,52.89%,54.05%,6.36%,respectively. 新生的平均卡痕率69.;36%25;1岁内完成卡介苗(BCG)、口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗3次(OPV3)、百白破联合疫苗3次(DPT3)、麻疹疫苗(MV)、乙型肝炎疫苗3次(HepB3)的接种率分别是55
- The vaccination rates of OPV 4 times,DPT 4 times,MV 2 times completed within 7 years old were obviously higher in countryside children than in city children. 7岁内农村小学新生的OPV4次、DPT4次、MV2次的接种率明显高于城镇。
- Success and wealth transformed his character. 成功和财富改变了他的性格。
- The cells produced for long-term immunity are also essential for a successful vaccine because a vaccine cannot protect against infection unless it produces long-term immune memory. 产生具有长期免疫效应细胞对于疫苗的成功接种也具有重要意义,因为,除非疫苗产生长期免疫功效,否则将不能够产生免疫。
- How do you rate our chances of success? 你估计我们成功的可能性有多大?
- Conclusion The vaccinating rate of the whole city children has been maintained at a high level. 结论全市儿童免疫接种率持续保持较高水平;
- His success gave her vicarious pleasure. 他的成功给她如同身受的快乐。