- He will come to see you on the third of April. 他将于四月三日来看你。
- There are some vacant offices on the third floor. 四楼有几间空著的办公室。
- Succeeded on the third trial 第三次尝试时成功了
- succeeded on the third trial. 第三次的尝试取得了成功
- You can discard a spade on the third trick. 你可以在打第三墩牌时垫掉一张黑桃。
- Take the third on the right and go straight on. 第三条马路右转弯一直走。
- Your classroom is on the third floor. Right? 你的教室在三楼,对吗?
- I shall go to Japan on the third of September. 我会在9月3日去日本。
- The car collision succeeded on the expressway due to a dense fog. 因为浓雾,在高速公路上发生了连续撞车事件。
- His office is on the third floor. 他的办公室在三楼。
- It's on the third floor of the building. 在这楼的三层。
- On the third day of the attack ,the town fell . 在攻击的第三天,城镇失守。
- Today we'll take up the third item on the agenda. 今天我们讨论第三项议程。
- We were led into a room on the third floor. 我们被引进三楼的一间房间.
- On the third day, we'll go to a city called Kyoto. 第三天,我们将去一个城市,名字叫“京都”。
- He may stick on the third clause in the contract. 他可能对合同中的第三款感到犹豫。
- He got the answer on the third take. 在第三次应答时他答对了
- There are several reading rooms on the third floor. 在三楼有几个阅览室。
- The Nine Dragons Restaurant is on the third floor. 九龙饭店在三楼。
- W: It's on the third floor, opposite to the lift. 在三楼,正对电梯。