- Both Xiangluwanzi and Yancongqiaozi gold deposits are related to the Yanshanian hypabyssal hyperhypabyssal subvolcanic rocks. 香炉碗子、烟囱桥子金矿床是与燕山期浅成-超浅成次火山岩有关的金矿床。
- The Bitian ore deposit is a silver-dominant large-size copper-gold-silver deposit related to Late Yanshanian subvolcanic rocks. 碧田矿床是成因上与燕山晚期次火山岩有关的以银为主的大型铜金银矿床。
- The subvolcanic type of ore deposits have the same resource,period,space and origin as the continental volcanic rocks and subvolcanic rocks. 次火山岩型矿床与陆相火山岩、次火山岩为同源,同时期,同空间,同成因。
- The contact zone between subvolcanic rocks and wallricks, fracture and shattered fracture zones are considered as the favourable metallogenic position. 成矿有利部位是次火山岩与围岩接触带、构造裂隙、震碎破碎带等。
- VoL-canic rocks and subvolcanic rocks related with metallogenesis are characteristic of rich Si,poor Fe,high K and low Na. 与成矿有关的火山岩、次火山岩具有富硅、贫铁、高钾、低钠特点。
- Guilaizhuang gold deposit is an epithermal gold deposit of Te-Au type related to alkaline subvolcanic rocks and controlled by crypto-explosive breccias. 介绍了归来庄金矿床次火山岩的岩浆演化特征,并对隐爆角砾岩带的特征和隐爆机制以及碲金型金矿形成的物理化学条件进行了探讨。
- The Middle Proterozoic Xiong er subvolcanic rocks are widely loucated in Xiong er Group volcanic rocks and the metamorphic basement near the bottom of Xiong er Group. 熊耳期次火山岩广泛分布于熊耳群火山岩及接近熊耳群底部的基底变质岩系中,活动时间贯穿整个熊耳期,以早期和晚期最为发育。
- The magmatite related to the mineral deposits are intermediate or intermediate-acidic intrusives and subvolcanic rocks in the middle-late Yanshania.The structure has... 与铜多金属成矿有密切成因关系的岩浆岩主要为燕山期的中性-中酸性侵入岩和次火山岩。
- The Minle Cu deposit is distributed in the middle Triassic calc-alkalic, alkalic volcaniclastic rock, lava and subvolcanic rock(dacite porphyry). 民乐铜矿产于中三叠统钙碱性、碱性系列火山碎屑岩、熔岩、次火山岩(英安斑岩)中。
- The Cretaceous is an intraplate-rifting stage, characterized by representative geological elements such as AA-type granite, red down-faulted basins, bimodal subvolcanic rocks and basic volcanic rocks. 白垩纪为陆内裂谷阶段,形成的代表性地质要素有AA型花岗岩、大量陆相红色断陷盆地、基性火山岩、双峰式次火山岩等。
- The middle scale Huangchengshan silver deposit, prospected and appraised in the recent years, is located in Mesozoic lower-Cretaceous volcanic and subvolcanic rock. 皇城山银矿床是近年勘查评价出的一处中型低温银矿床。
- On the basis of the analysis of geological setting, subvolcanic rock and the characteristics of the deposit,the Panjiagou silver deposit is classified as a typical subvolcanic hydrothermal one. 通过对潘家沟银矿成矿地质背景、次火山岩、矿床地质特征的研究,认为该矿床为一典型的次火山热液型矿床。
- deposit of subvolcanic rocks type 次火山岩型矿床
- Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks. 因为河上有暗礁,所以在这条河上航行很困难。
- The storm cast the little rowboat on the rocks. 风暴把这条小划艇抛到岩石上。
- The stricken tanker began to break up on the rocks. 油轮被击中后撞上礁石,毁了。
- These rocks are awash at high tide. 这些礁石在涨潮时被海水淹没。
- Keywords Wutai Hengshan region;subvolcanic rock;gold silver deposit.; 五台-恒山地区;次火山;金银矿;
- Rocks are worn smooth through the agency of water. 岩石由于水的作用而变得光滑。