- Suburbs are exploding outward. 市郊迅速地向外扩张。
- New suburbs are pushing outward into previously wooded areas. 新的郊区正向以前的森林地带推进。
- The suburbs are an expansion of cities. 郊区是城市的延伸。
- Keep back! The fir works are exploding! 闪开!花炮快要炸响了!
- Keep back!The fireworks are exploding. 别上前!爆竹快要炸响了。
- The suburbs are an expansionof cities. 郊区是城市的延伸。
- Keep back! The firecrackers are exploding. 退后!爆竹快要爆炸了。
- Keep back! The fireworks are exploding. 别上前!爆竹快要炸响了。
- Keep back!The firecrackers are exploding. 退后!爆竹快要爆炸了。
- Bombs were exploding all around the city. 城里到处都响起炸弹的爆炸声。
- Automobile ownership became commonplace and suburbs were created. 那时,拥有汽车成为平常的事,城市郊区形成了。
- The bomb was exploded by remote control. 这颗炸弹是遥控引爆的。
- The suburbs are becoming much more racially mixed while the cities fill up with hip, affluent whites. 郊区种族越来越混杂,而城市则聚集了时髦富裕的白人。
- Parklands, which separate the city and the suburbs, are preserved in the perpetuity for the use of the people. 分隔市区与郊区的绿地永远留作人们活动的场所。
- Humans living in the cities and dense suburbs are also generally oxygen deprived. 居住在城市和密集的郊区的人类们通常也缺氧。
- The fighters in the trenches stayed down while the enemy shells were exploding. 当敌人的炮弹爆炸时,战壕中的战士们都卧倒了。
- These can be exploded with a cartridge. 这些物质可由起爆药起爆。
- The fatality of suburb was higher than that of urban. 郊区事故致死率显著高于市区;
- The broad boulevard leading to the western suburbs was thick with traffic. 通向首都西郊的大道上车流滚滚。
- This fallacy can also be exploded. 这一条迷信也是能够完全破除的。