- Subtropical high index 副热带高压指数
- Day to maintain a high index small shocks. 全天股指维持高位小幅震荡。
- subtropical high indexes 副高指数
- Especially, t-test shows that significance of the Asia polar vortex, zonal circulation index, the most northern extension edge of subtropical high of Northern West Pacific and the warm pool of Pacific Ocean, are at 95% (90%) . 特别地,亚洲极涡、纬向环流指数、西太平洋副热带高压北界位置及太平洋暖池的海表面温度等因子均通过了95%25(90%25)信度水平检验。
- In terms of the NCEP/NCAR daily reanalysis data,an index based on the vorticity value in the key area is defined to describe the longitudinal position of the western Pacific subtropical high(SH). 采用NCEP/NCAR再分析逐日资料,根据特定区域涡度值,定义描述西太平洋副高东西位置的指标,并利用该指标研究了6月副高东西位置变动特征。
- The decade variations of SST in Nino 1+2 area is coincident with the variations of the western Pacific subtropical high. Nino 1+2区海温有明显的10年际变化,与西太平洋副高的10年际变化非常吻合;
- The late northward-shift of upper westerly jet and the subtropical high is the main reason for the late onset of Meiyu in 2005. 东亚副热带高空西风急流和西太平洋副热带高压向北突跳偏晚是江淮流域2005年入梅偏晚的主要原因。
- The northerly winds in westerly band met the southerly winds on the west edge of subtropical high over western Pacific in Shandong region at 500 hPa. 热带气旋登陆后其中心附近的中低层偏南风急流向北伸展,绕过副高脊线直达山东。
- Derailment of a high index you choose three or four.She will think you unsafe. 你选择了出轨指数高的3或4,她会认为你不安全。
- Many phenomena of TBO are discovered, such as variations of TBO in tropospheric temperature, pressure,winds field, monsoon and subtropical high etc. 综述了各种TBO现象及其机理研究。 目前发现对流层中温度、气压、风场、降水以及季风、副高等系统都存在TBO变化;
- ridge line index of subtropical high 副高脊线指数
- Results show that western Pacific subtropical high and wind anomalies over the northeast of Lake Baikal and middle of Indian Ocean are important factors. 结果表明西太平洋副热带高压及850 hPa贝加尔湖东北部和南印度洋中部的风场异常是影响华南前汛期旱涝的重要因子;
- In the Meiyu season of 2006,the blocking high located to the west of Baikal Lake,the west Pacific subtropical high was more northward than that in the normal year. 2006年的梅雨期在典型梅雨常见的中高纬度乌拉尔山和鄂霍次克海阻塞高压均未建立,中高纬度高压位于贝加尔湖以西,低纬度副高位置比气候平均稍偏北。
- The results indicate that in the warmer SSTA years, South Asia high and the subtropical high over western Pacific enhanced obviously, in contrast, in colder SSTA years. 研究发现,暖海温年,南亚高压、西太平洋副热带高压明显偏强,冷海温年明显偏弱;
- The horizontal circulation systems between the monsoon and the trade are the tropical upper tropos-pheric trough(TUTT)in the upper and the Pacific subtropical high in the lower. 连接季风环流与信风环流的水平环流系统,在高层为太平洋中部热带对流层高层槽(TUTT),低层为强大的太平洋副热带高压。太平洋中部高空槽区就是季风环流与信风环流的连接区或过渡区。
- The subtropical high has broken into western and eastern halves. CHOI-WAN is expected to turn north gradually into the weakness, and a typical recurvature scenario follows. 副热带高压已分开为东西两部分。彩云将逐渐转向偏北移动,横过副高间的弱点,其后于副高西北部转向东北移动。
- Although malignant transformation of chronic DLE lesions is uncommon, a high index of suspicion and need for continued surveillance is still warranted. 虽然由红斑性狼疮发生的肿瘤比较罕见,可是还是要保持警觉。
- In transplant recipients cumulating risk factors for zygomycosis, a high index of suspicion is required. 由于器官移植对接合菌病的感染具有促进作用,我们需要提高警惕。
- According to the analysis, the northward advarce and its evolution of subtropical high ridge line along 120E is directly responsible for the start of the Meiyu-period and cits duration. 总结27年梅期环流形势特征,副高脊线(120°E)的北进位置及其演变规律直接决定入梅的迟早与梅长。
- CHOI-WAN is expected to turn north gradually into the weakness between the subtropical highs, and a typical recurvature scenario follows. 彩云将逐渐转向偏北移动,横过副热带高压间的弱点,其后于副高西北部转向东北移动。