- Subprime Mortgage Lending 次级抵押贷款
- MORTGAGE lending is hardly the raciest business, but it has its moments. 放贷抵押从来就不是最活跃的业务,但是现在它的好日子来了。
- It was the same worry about subprime mortgage problems spreading to a general credit crisis," said Cohen. 这是同一担心按揭落差问题,蔓延到一般的信贷危机,"科恩说。
- The subprime mortgage crisis has hit.America is homeless, broke, foreclosed, and in the midst of a financial crisis. 次级信贷风暴使美国人无家可归,他们的房子被收回,家庭破产。
- The group will focus on houses foreclosed during the subprime mortgage crisis, priced at RMB250000-700000. 购房团重点看的房子基本都是受美国次贷危机影响的断供房,售价在人民币25万元至70万元之间。
- The highly leveraged housing market has begun to turn south and is roiling the subprime mortgage market. 被抬高的房市已经开始回落,并对次贷市场产生不利影响。
- This is J.P.Morgan's second purchase of a financial institution left vulnerable by the subprime mortgage crisis. 这是摩根大通银行第二次出手购买由于次级房贷危机而摇摇欲坠的金融公司。
- Are you looking to break into the subprime mortgage origination business, or are you looking into alternative energy? 现在的你是希望进军引发次级抵押贷款危机的金融行业,还是考虑新能源产业呢?
- BofA’s potential gain more than outweighs the problems it faces so far as a result of the US subprime mortgage meltdown. 美国银行的潜在获利,足以完全抵消其迄今为止因美国次级抵押贷款危机所面临的问题。
- BofA's potential gain more than outweighs the problems it faces so far as a result of the US subprime mortgage meltdown. 美国银行的潜在获利,足以抵消其迄今为止因美国次级抵押贷款危机所面临的问题。
- At the beginning of the subprime mortgage problem has spread to other areas, and created a surplus of housing stock, pushing Lower housing prices. 开始于次级抵押贷款的问题已经蔓延到了其他领域,并造成了住房库存过剩的问题,推低了住房价格。”
- Like a toffee apple with a maggot inside, the debt markets have been tainted by their links with America's subprime mortgage crisis. 由于与美国次级抵押贷款危机联系紧密,债券市场现在已是金玉其外,败絮其中。
- Banks will also suffer from their exposure to failed hedge funds, just as some have already been hit by their exposure to the subprime mortgage market. 银行也将因暴露给失败的对冲基金而蒙受损失,正像某些银行因在次级抵押市场暴露而遭受打击一样。
- Recently, Chinese exporters have seen their efforts increasingly undercut by the impact of the spreading subprime mortgage crisis. 近年来,中国出口厂商受到了次贷危机的冲击。
- The pawns are getting killed by rising foreclosures in the subprime mortgage market, leaving the better credits exposed. 次级抵押贷款市场上越来越多抵押品赎回权的丧失,让这些小卒纷纷丧生,留下质量更好的信贷。
- Financials have been hammered by the subprime mortgage collapse and credit crisis, but sector stocks had rebounded strongly in the past two sessions. 金融行业已经饱受次级抵押贷款和信贷危机所害,但在过去两个交易日里,股市已经连续出现强烈反弹。
- FRANKFURT: A small German bank on Monday became the first European victim of gambles in securities issued by the tottering subprime mortgage business in the United States. 法兰克福:小北德意志州银行周一月成为欧洲第一个受害者赌博所发行的证券的落差风。
- Analysts predict that markets are likely to remain bumpy until a clearer picture emerges of how widespread the fallout will be from problems in the U. S. Subprime mortgage market. 分析家认为,市场可能仍坎坷,直到一个清晰的风貌如何广泛散落由中美共同关心的问题落差按揭市场。
- There‘s a lot to feel down about this month: the subprime mortgage crisis, stormy, unpredictable weather, rising gas prices, presidential primary free-for-alls. 这个月让人情绪低落的事情很多:次级抵押贷款危难以预料的暴风雨雪天气、节节上涨的汽油价格、一片混乱的总统初选。
- In the preface of the recently published Chinese version of the book, Mr.F.William Engdahl predicted that the subprime mortgage loans would give a heavy blow to U. 今天的国际经济充满了动荡,似乎一夜之间全球经济就从流动性过剩转向流动性紧缩。