- Study of NDMC Students' Mental Health: Analysis of Series Data. 不同中文版解离经验量表之心理计量特性以及与心身症状之关联探讨。
- Attaching Importance to the Persuation of College Students'Mental Health in PE. 关于高校体育教育中大学生心理健康疏导的探讨。
- As a mentality giant among the millenary and a scholastic model, this study has great significance on training and improving the students' mentality. 把马克思作为一个千年思想伟人与学者的典范,研究其史学思想对于加强马克思主义历史学的理论建设,培养与提高学生马克思主义的思想素质具有重要意义。
- This article mainly discusses the necessity of stressing students' mental health education and its strategy. 文章主要阐述班主任工作中加强学生心理健康教育的必要性和实施策略。
- TV polytechnic school students mostly have the mal-psychology. The unoptimistic students' mental health has its special causes. 电视中专学生存在不良心理的现象较为普遍 ,学生的心理健康状况令人担忧 ,不良心理的形成有其特殊的原因。
- Through active propagandizing and directing,to develop reading recuperation in scientific way can improve college students' mental health obviously. 高校图书馆通过积极的宣传和引导,科学地开展阅读疗法,能够显著提高当前大学生的心理健康水平。
- So students mental health care should be listed in school education care as a task. Mental health education in institute of higher learning should be carried out directly. 因此应将大学生心理健康保健列为学校教育工作的一项任务,有针对性地开展高校心理健康教育工作。
- Methods The Self-Rated Anxiety Scale(SAS),the Self-Rated Depression Scale(SDS) and UCLA Loneliness Scale were used to assess the students mental health. 方法采用焦虑自评量表、抑郁自评量表、UCLA孤独量表等进行问卷调查。
- This thesis aimes to discuss about the college students' mental problems caused by the parental divorce and establish a supporting mold expected by the children. 本论文针对大学生由于父母离异可能造成的心理问题进行探讨,并建立子女期望的支持模式。
- If the symptom does not lessen and lasts for a long time, it will seriously influence students' mental health and prevent individual socialization from development. 若焦虑症状未能得到减轻,长期以往会固化下来,形成特质性焦虑,严重影响学生的心理健康,阻碍个体社会性的发展。
- Intenet is not the breeding ground for student mental health or mentalillness but the specific conveyance which reveals college student s mental problem. 互联网不是诱发学生心理问题、心理疾病的温床,而是暴露大学生心理问题的特定载体。
- Methods With Middle School Student Mental Health Scale (MSSMHS) and Suicide Attitude Questionnaire (QSA), 2442 middle school students recruited from 12 middle schools in Harbin were surveyed. 方法采用中学生心理健康量表(MSSMHS)和自杀态度问卷(QSA),对哈尔滨市12所中学初一至高三年级2442名中学生进行问卷调查。
- College students' mental quality along with its education has already become one of hot topics in the pedagogical and psychological research, which accumulates the abundant research achievements. 我国一批学者在大学生心理素质的概念、结构、发展状况、教育训练等方面进行了有益探索,积累了丰富的研究成果。
- This paper presents some methods to cultivate university students' healthy psychology,by analysing status of university students' mental health and reasons for psychological problems. 本文通过对当代大学生心理健康现状、心理问题产生原因的分析,提出了大学生健康心理的培养方法。
- Conclusion Studnets of different genders soil different stages have different characters.Targeted phsycological education should he used to improve the students' mental health level. 结论不同学段以及不同性别学生生活事件各有其特点应有针对性地进行心理卫生教育,提高学生的心理健康水平。
- The survey, conducted by Lixinfang, a student mental health centre at Shenyang Normal University, shows almost half of all undergraduates' daily spending goes on their girlfriends or boyfriends. 这项由沈阳师范大学“理心坊”学生心理健康中心开展的调查显示,本科生每天近一半的开销都花在了女友或男友身上。
- Do you teach your students singly or in groups? 你教学生是个别地教还是按组教?
- Some students quit school due to poverty. 一些学生因贫困而辍学。
- Several students have been flunked out. 有几名学生因考试不及格而被迫退学。
- Teachers' mentation is important not only for their study, work and living, but also for the growth and development of students mentally and physically. 教师的心理健康状况不仅对自身的学习、工作和生活是重要的,而且对学生的身心发展和成长也是极其重要的。