- Are you a member of the Student Government? 你是不是学生会的一员?
- The student government often embodies discipline in parvo. 学生自治会往往表现了小规模的纪律性。
- The student government council was so irresponsible that the principal pulled its teeth. 学生会太不负责,校长解除了他们的职能。
- I want to run for student government because I want to make Meeker a better place for us. 非非在国内胆小,以前我想给他报个乒乓球班都死活不去,更别说要当着全年级的人讲话。
- Maybe you could be a mayor or a Senator or a Supreme Court Justice, but you might not know that until you join student government or the debate team. 或许你能够成为一个市长,参议员,或者最高法院的法官,但是你只有参加学生组织或辩论队才能够发现自己的这种潜能。
- After advanced schools establishs Guilin normal school, department (ministry) general Party branch is gifted the important task that student government works. 桂林师范高等专科学校成立后,系(部)党总支被赋予学生管理工作的重任。
- International students are active in campus activities including NSCC North Stars, International Association and student government! 现在,我学院共计学生4500名,其中有300名来自50多个不同国家的国际学生。
- The student government beat back the plan with the help of teachers in the humanities,who worried that students might abandon them for other courses that they currently avoided. 学生们会在一些人文学科教师的帮助下驳回该计划,这些教师担心学生们会放弃他们所教的课程而转向那些目前想避开的课程。
- The lazy student never do his homework on time. 这个懒惰的学生从没有按时做他的家庭作业。
- He has very sternly admonished student. 他十分严厉地训诫了学生。
- They demand the right to govern themselves. 他们要求自治权。
- He is, so to speak, a hardworking student. 他可说是个用功的学生。
- Roommate: I have been absented from many classes this semester just because of my work in the Students' Government. 室友: 这个学期由于学生会的工作,我已经缺了不少课了。
- The student murmured the answer with a blush. 那个学生红着脸小声说出了答案。
- I lived in a hostel while I was a student. 我求学期间住在青年招待所里。
- In Latin, several verbs govern the dative. 在拉丁语中,有些动词要求与格的宾语。
- The student government beat back the plan with the help of teachers in the humanities, who worried that students might abandon them for other courses that they currently avoided. 学生们会在一些人文学科教师的帮助下驳回该计划,这些教师担心学生们会放弃他们所教的课程而转向那些目前想避开的课程。
- My sister is always a studious student. 我妹妹一直是一个勤奋好学的学生。
- He is of a the most outstanding student. 他是一名最优秀的学生。
- Such a good student as he (is) will succeed. 像他这样的好学生一定会成功。