- It is correct and indisputable that the day-to-day struggle against Japan and the people's struggle for a better life must be linked up with the movement for democracy. 日常的反日斗争和人民生活斗争,要和民主运动相配合,这是完全对的,也是没有任何争论的。
- It?s a matter of principle for which the Chinese and the other Asians in the 21st century wage a tit for tat struggle against Japan?s militarism. 在21世纪,中国人民和亚洲人民应与之针锋相对地进行斗争。
- Now, in the mounting tide of nation-wide struggle against Japan and of world-wide struggle against fascism, just wars will spread all over China and the globe. 在目前的全中国抗日高潮和全世界反法西斯高潮中,义战将遍于全中国,全世界。
- The third indispensable condition for establishing a base area is the use of all our strength,including our armed forces,to arouse the masses for struggle against Japan. 和建立根据地不可分离的第三个条件,就是用一切力量,包括武装部队的力量在内,去发动民众的抗日斗争。
- Now,in the mounting tide of nation-wide struggle against Japan and of world-wide struggle against fascism,just wars will spread all over China and the globe. 在目前的全中国抗日高潮和全世界反法西斯高潮中,义战将遍于全中国,全世界。
- The third indispensable condition for establishing a base area is the use of all our strength, including our armed forces, to arouse the masses for struggle against Japan. 和建立根据地不可分离的第三个条件,就是用一切力量,包括武装部队的力量在内,去发动民众的抗日斗争。
- To sustain a long war by long-term co-operation or,in other words,to subordinate the class struggle to the present national struggle against Japan -- such is the fundamental principle of the united front. 用长期合作支持长期战争,就是说使阶级斗争服从于今天抗日的民族斗争,这是统一战线的根本原则。
- Anti-cut struggle against Japan in Taiwan 反割台斗争
- Northeast people's struggle against Japan 东北民众抗战
- We hope there may be -- and indeed there will be -- many direct and indirect struggles against Japan in the new stage,and these will give an impetus to the war of resistance and greatly assist the movement for democracy. 新阶段中,我们希望有、也将会有许多直接的间接的反日斗争,这些将推动对日抗战,也大有助于民主运动。
- They stayed awake in their struggle against terrorists. 在与反恐怖分子的斗争中他们始终保持警惕。
- He failed to struggle against temptation. 他没能经住诱惑。
- They have learned to struggle against adversity. 他们已经学会同逆境做斗争。
- Struggle against the force of nature. 跟自然力做斗争。
- Lenin headed the struggle against opportunism. 列宁领导了反对机会主义的斗争。
- They joined the struggle against him. 他们参加了反对他的斗争。
- She struggle against fatality in vain. 她徒然奋斗反抗宿命。
- Why did the troops kill fighters against Japan? 军队为什么杀死了抗日战士?
- They joined hands in a valiant struggle against the racists. 他们联合起来和种族主义分子进行了英勇的斗争。
- We must wage a stern struggle against this phenomenon. 我们要同这种现象作严厉的斗争。