- Structural Salary System 结构工资制
- Annual salary system has become an important management measure in enterprises. 例句年薪制已成为企业一个重要的管理措施。
- For releasing the encourage and binding force the annual salary system, auditing the annual salary system is practised in many enterprises. 摘要为了发挥年薪制的激励与约束作用,许多单位逐步开展了年薪制审计。
- In the western developed countries, the ESO salary system has taken the place of the traditional salary system. 在西方发达国家,以ESO为主体的薪酬制度已经取代了传统薪酬制度。
- Finally, it gives several advices about the establishment and healthiness of our independent director's salary system. 最终,提出了建立健全我国独立董事薪酬制度的若干建议。
- It mainly tells us the components of salary system, the principal and steps of a salary plan. 本文主要讲了薪酬体系的组成部分,薪酬设计的原则及其设计步骤。
- After analyzing company"s current emolument status,constituted a salary system based on performance. 在对公司薪酬现状分析的基础上,构造了一套基于工作绩效的薪酬系统;
- Also, it says about the problems of salary system existed in our enterprises and its developing trend in China. 同时也讲出了薪酬体系在我国企业中存在的问题及薪酬体系在我国的发展趋势。
- The reformation of salary system should enhance macro control and carry out the principle of distribution based on contribution. 工资制度改革必须加强宏观调控,确保每种生产要素的贡献与其报酬对称;必须贯彻按劳分配原则,确保劳动贡献与劳动报酬对称。
- Strengthens the official salary adjustment mechanism as well as consummatesthe official salary system related necessary management measure. 加强公务员薪酬调整机制和激励机制以及完善我国公务员薪酬制度相关地配套管理措施。
- The salary system and scales for public procurators shall, in light of the characteristics of procuratorial work, be formulated by the State. 第三十七条检察官的工资制度和工资标准,根据检察工作特点,由国家规定。
- Establish fair and equitable salary system and excitation mechanism, and provide retirement and medical insurance welfare. 建立公平合理的薪资制度,激励机制,提供退休及医疗保险福利。
- The forth part designed salary system for administrators, salespersons and technical personals according to the characteristic of different staffs. 第四部分针对 IT 企业内部不同类型员工的特点为中高层管理人员、销售人员、技术人员的薪酬体系分别进行了设计,并构建了我国 IT 业薪酬体系设计的理论模型。
- In western industries, executive option salary system has taken place of the traditional salary system of basic salary plus annul bonus. 在西方企业界,经理股票期权薪酬制度已经逐渐取代了以基本工资和年度奖金为主体的传统薪酬制度。
- Smooth progress was made in reforming the civil servant salary system and standardizing the pattern of income distribution. 公务员工资制度改革和规范收入分配秩序顺利进行。
- The article introduced the design of salary system form the point of performance-oriented to perfect the salary system of military civilian staff. 本文结合单位实际,从绩效导向的角度对文职人员薪酬体系进行设计,以期能对建立健全文职人员薪酬制度有所参考。
- The former is sometimes operated by government apportion, the latter in solving the structure salary allowance part if schools do not standardize charge. 前者如政府摊派,或者学校为正常运作与发展而收取的费用,后者如学校不规范的收费行为,用以解决结构性工资的补贴部分。
- On the other hand, the state-owned enterprise of our country still framesup the salary system designs proceeding in government unify of salary policy. 另一方面,当前我国国有企业基本上仍在政府统一的薪酬政策框架内进行薪酬制度设计,没有从战略高度来看待薪酬问题。
- As for satisfaction on salary system, to retain talents is a key guideline of job satisfaction and an important reference in emending human resources policy of enterprises. 要吸引人才、留住人才、激励并开发人才,就必须建立一套科学有效的薪酬体系,而员工对于薪酬体系的满意度,则是员工满意度指标中非常关键的一项,是企业修订人力资源政策的重要参考。
- Familiar .with insurance .procedur.e, the state and local labor law, salary system and perfor.mance assessment process. Good command of English and computer operation;. 熟悉各项保险办理程序,熟悉企业薪.