- Struck by falling lumber 被下落原木击中
- Most of the loss of life was occasioned by persons being struck by falling cornices, parapets, and ornamentation as they tried to leave shaking buildings. 大多数人在企图逃出振动中的房屋时,被落下的檐头,女儿墙和装饰物等所击中而死亡。
- The leading causes of death among construction workers are falls from elevations, motor vehicle crashes, electrocution, machines, and struck by falling objects. 在建筑工人死亡案例中主要原因是高处坠落、车辆坠毁、电击,机器,还有被落下坠落物体打中。
- The tree was struck by lightning. 那棵树被雷电击中了。
- At odd moments I'm struck by his resemblance to you. 有些时候我会忽然想到他很像你而感到惊讶。
- The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera. 该地区突然发生了霍乱。
- I am still struck by the native beauty of the lake. 我仍然为湖泊的自然美所吸引。
- Struck by falling machine equipment 被下落机械设备击中
- The huge tree split when struck by lightning. 这棵大树遭雷击时被劈开了。
- The union resolved to strike by 36 votes to 15. 工会以36票对15票通过决议举行罢工。
- One cannot but be struck by the enthusiasm of the representatives present. 人们不能不被到场的代表们的热情所感动。
- He barked his shins (by falling) against some stone steps. 他在石头台阶上(跌倒了,)擦破了小腿的皮。
- He came within an inch of being struck by the falling brick. 他差一点被掉下来的砖头打中。
- The city was struck by the elemental violence of the storm. 该城市遭到了大自然强烈风暴的袭击。
- The way ahead was blocked by fallen trees. 前面的路被倒下的树挡住了。
- We were struck by the boldness and abruptness of the scenery. 景色的险峻与陡峭给我们留下了深刻印象。
- Everyone was struck by their readiness to pass on all they knew. 他们很愿意把自己的知识传给别人,这给每个人都留下深刻印象。
- He showed me up by falling asleep at the concert. 他在音乐会上睡著了,弄得我很难为情。
- She was injured by falling masonry. 她被倒塌的石墙砸伤了。
- The market reacted by falling a further two points. 股市的反应是再下跌两个百分点。