- Street lamp reflector 路灯反射器
- The paintwork was damaged when my car hit the street lamp post. "我的汽车撞到街上的路灯柱子上,汽车外面的油漆被弄坏了。"
- Neath the halo of a street lamp. 头顶上街灯的光晕将我笼罩(我睡在街灯下)。
- A post supporting a street lamp. 路灯柱支撑街灯的柱子
- Jacob bumped into a street lamp. 雅各撞毁了一个路灯。
- I neath the halo of a street lamp. 我睡在街灯下.
- We played chess by the light of a street lamp. 我们就着路灯下棋。
- After emerging from the lamp reflector, the p-polarized light would pass through a half-wave retarder that would occupy half of the beam cross section. 反射后的p偏振光将通过一个半波纠正器,将占用一半的光束截面。
- A downstairs window was brilliantly illuminated by a street lamp. 楼下的窗户被街灯照的亮眼。
- Every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning. 每一盏灯似乎提醒一切由命运注定。
- Several old men were playing chess under a street lamp. 几个老头在街灯下下棋。
- Continuing along its path, this portion of s-polarized light would be reflected twice by the lamp reflector, and would finally be reflected perpendicularly, by the beam splitter, toward the LCD panel. 继续沿其路径,这部分的s偏振光将灯泡反光罩反射两次,最终由偏振分光镜得到垂直反射到液晶面板。
- Beneath the halo of a street lamp I turned my collar to the cold and damp air. 昏暗的街灯下,我翻起衣领以抗御湿冷的夜。
- The street lamps blinked suddenly on. 街灯突然闪亮。
- Someone mutters and the street lamp gutters, And soon it will be morning. 路人低语,街灯闪烁,黎明即将来临。
- Against the law to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp. 将长颈鹿系在电线杆或路灯是违法的。
- Neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp. 在路灯的光照下,寒冷和湿气让我竖起衣领,
- Someone mutters and a street lamp gutters and soon it will be morning. 身旁街灯,对我警告,一切都是宿命的征兆,
- The street lamps shone bright and clear. 灯明亮地照着。
- There was just enough room on it for a street lamp and a lamplighter. 下载本站资源,如果服务器暂不能下载请过一段时间重试!