- Strawberries squash easily. 草莓容易压坏。
- Carry the cream puffs carefully, for they squash easily. 拿奶油松饼时小心点,因为它们容易压坏。
- Watermelons squash easily. 西瓜很容易被压烂。
- Tomatoes squash easily. 番茄容易压坏。
- Ripe persimmons squash easily. 熟柿子易被压烂。
- Watermelons squash easily. 西瓜很容易被压烂。
- Soft fruit squashes easily. 无核的小水果容易压烂。
- They managed to squash forty people into the bus. 那辆公共汽车好不容易塞进了四十个人。
- Soft fruit squashes easily . 无核的小水果容易压烂.
- Don't all try to squash into the lift together. 不要统统挤进电梯里去。
- They grew strawberries in their garden. 他们在园中种了草莓。
- English strawberries usually come in in late June. 英国草莓通常在六月下旬上市。
- Five people in this car is a bit of a squash. 五个人坐这辆车有一点挤。
- A law was passed to squash pop music pirates. 通过了一个法律以打击流行音乐翻录者。
- She dished the strawberries into the bowl. 她将草莓盛入碗中。
- We garnished the melon with strawberries. 我们给甜瓜配上草莓。
- Strawberries are now out of season. 现在不是草莓当令的时节。
- Fresh strawberries are now available at a price! 鲜草莓现已上市--价钱很高!
- Strawberries are cheaper when they're in season. 草莓当令时便宜些。
- The dog easily picked up the scent of the murderer. 狗毫不费力地嗅出了谋杀者的气味。