- Storm clouds eddied overhead. 乌云在头顶翻滚。
- The storm clouds gathered darkly. 阴云密集。
- The storm clouds hastened the harvesting. 暴风雨的密云催人抓紧收割。
- Storm clouds are forming on the horizon. 天边出现了暴雨云。
- The storm clouds of revolution were gathering. 乌云滚滚,山雨欲来,革命即将爆发。
- The storm clouds were gathering. 暴风雨乌云正在聚集。
- The storm clouds had dispersed by noon. 正午前暴风云已消散
- The storm clouds deterred them from going out. 预示风暴的密云使他们不敢外出。
- The storm clouds and accompanying turbulence are now far below. 风云以及与之俱来的汹涌湍流现在都在它很远的下空。
- Black storm clouds were low and heavy over the Gulf. 黑压压的积雨云低垂在墨西哥湾上空。
- Yet a ray of sunshine is breaking through the storm clouds. 然而,还是有一丝阳光从暴风云中透射过来。
- An intense storm cloud forms over South Africa's Highveld. 南非高原的天空正在形成来势汹汹的暴风云。
- When we saw the storm clouds gathering,we put about and sailed back to our port. 我们看到阴云密布,便改变方向,驶回港口。
- A DISTANT RUMBLE OF THUNDER. Red pauses, gazes off. Storm clouds coming in, backlit by the sun. A light drizzle begins. 远处雷声隆隆,瑞德停下手中的话,望向天空。乱云逼近,阳光从乌云背后透过来,小雨开始蒙蒙。
- There were horrific shrieks11) from wild animals and storm clouds with fierce thunderbolts12) were everywhere. 野兽可怕的尖叫回荡在耳边,雷雨云带着震天的霹雳无处不在。
- DISTANT RUMBLE OF THUNDER. Red pauses, gazes off. Storm clouds coming in, backlit by the sun. A light drizzle begins. 远处雷声隆隆,瑞德停下手中的话,望向天空。乱云逼近,阳光从乌云背后透过来,小雨开始蒙蒙。
- Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide, but I love you, until the end of time. 暴风雨的乌云可能会聚集,星星可能会碰撞,可是我会永远爱你,直到地老天荒。
- Aircrafts fly above and beside the storm clouds and drop tiny silver iodide crystals into them, triggering rainfall. 飞机飞行于风暴云之上及其周围,向风暴云中撒播碘化银晶粉以激发降雨。
- Storm clouds had been evident since the spring and particularly in May, five months before the war. 从去年春天,特别是从五月份--战争前五个月--开始,动乱的风云已日益明显。
- When we saw the storm clouds gathering we put about and sailed back to our port. 我们看到阴云密布,便改变方向,驶回港口。