- Storaro Vittorio 维托里·斯托拉罗
- Jolly Hotel Vittorio Veneto : Book the best Deal here. 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!
- Vittorio Selmi of the ATP found me a player to warm-up with today. 你们中的很多人问我通常在比赛前和比赛后我脑子里会想些什么。
- Heidegger, M., Gesamtausgabe 43, 44, 47, 48, 50, Vittorio Klostermann. 海德格尔全集,50卷,克劳斯特曼出版社。
- Radio_Marconi__Inno_Sardo Testu de su 1843 de Vittorio Angius, musiga di N.Gonella, aiscurtade cun su file mp3. 上海网域网络科技有限公司提供服务器租用托管、虚拟主机、域名注册、电子邮局、网络安全和主机管理服务。
- Today after practice I asked Vittorio Selmi from the ATP to look for a player to warm-up. 在这里,我要给一个“马洛卡人”送出特殊的问候。这个仁兄昨天通过卡洛斯-科斯塔送来了问候。
- Cows are actually moving around Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, really! Now I will tell you why with the evidences. 就说这些牛肯定不只是在这儿站著,他们可是比观光客还要会爆走哩!不信呀?我贴证据给你看!
- If shoppers in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele look a little dizzy, there's a good reason. 如果在维托伊曼纽拱廊购物的游客看起来有点头晕目眩的话,那一定是有充分的理由的。
- This article is the translated preface of the book "The Works of Paolo Portoghesi, Vittorio Gigliotti", which is written by C. 这篇文字译自于诺伯格·舒尔茨的《保罗·波多盖希和维托瑞欧·吉格里奥迪的建筑》*一书的序言。
- But I would rather think with the 18th-century Italian dramatist, Vittorio Alfieri, that" often the test of courage is not to die but to live. 然而我更同意十八世纪意大利戏剧家维多里奥.;阿尔弗里的看法,即“对勇气的考验往往在于生存而不在死亡。”
- It is the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, the shopping arcade that connects Piazza Duomo and Piazza La Scala, where this pavilion is going to get build. 而正是在伊曼纽尔二世长廊,这条连接了教堂广场和斯卡拉剧院的商业街上建造这座临时展览馆。
- PARIS - Andriy Shevchenko was accompanied by Adriano Galliani, Ariedo Braida, Leonardo, Vittorio Mentana and Umberto Gandini at the award ceremony. 巴黎---安德烈-舍甫琴科在加利亚尼,布拉伊达,莱昂纳多,蒙塔纳和甘蒂尼的陪同下出席了颁奖典礼。
- The Hotel Is Situated Between The Cathedral And La Scala Theatre, Overlooking The Famous Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, In The Financial And Commercial Heart Of The City. 酒店位于大教堂和斯卡拉剧院之间,远眺这城市的金融和商业中心,著名的维托伊曼纽二世拱廊。
- Or a beautiful river like the one you find when approaching Notre Dame in Paris?Or a vivid shopping street like Corso Vittorio Emanuele II next to Milan's Duomo? 在穿过米兰大教堂的广场后,迎面而来的便是一条充满生气的购物街,橱窗内的商品像是会招手般,让人禁不住地在这儿将银两花光。
- Gregotti Vittorio,“The Exercise of Detailing”, in Nesbitt,Kate ed.Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture, New York:Princeton Architectural Press,1996. 萧百兴,“建筑=空间的系谱考掘”,新世代建筑学及方法学术研讨论文集,页59-66,台中:东海大学建筑系所,2000。
- Working with Vittorio Gallo and his colleagues in the adjacent NIH lab, however, we found a contrasting situation with the oligodendrocyte glia that form myelin in the brain. 我与我NIH隔壁实验室的加罗(VittrorioGallo)及其同事合作发现,寡突神经胶细胞在脑中形成髓鞘的情形刚好相反。
- He produced films by Federico Fellini, Vittorio De Sica, George Cukor and Sidney Lumet. Among the classics to his name were "Marriage Italian Style" (1964) and "A Special Day" (1977). 他制作过包括费德里克·费里尼、维托里奥·德·西卡、乔治·丘克和希德尼·鲁迈特担任导演的影片,其中他的不朽之作有《意大利式婚礼》(1964年)和《特殊的一天》(1977年)。
- Vittorio Chiesa. 苏敬勤。
- VITTORIO GALLESE, GIACOMO RIZZOLATTI and LEONARDO FOGASSI and work together at the University of Parma in Italy, where Rizzolatti is director of the neurosciences department and Fogassi and Gallese are associate professors. 迦列赛、里佐拉蒂及佛格西都任教于义大利帕玛大学;里佐拉蒂是该校神经科学系主任,佛格西及迦列赛则都是副教授。
- For the pose error analysis of a polishing robot,on the basis of Vittorio granularity coding method,an improved genetic neural BP network combining binary with real-value coding is proposed with the network architecture and weight vectors optimized. 针对某打磨机器人的位姿误差分析,提出一种采用二进制和实数值混合编码的遗传BP网络法,同时优化网络结构和权值矢量;