- Can I have a lick of your ice cream? 我能尝一口你的冰淇淋吗?
- Your ice cream is going to melt quickly. 你的冰淇淋快要溶化了。
- Do you lick or bite your ice cream? 你吃冰淇淋是用舔的还是咬的?
- Michael: Watch it, your ice cream is dripping. 迈克尔:小心,你的冰激淋滴下来了。
- I will trade some of my chocolate for some of your ice cream. 我要拿我的一些巧克力换你的一些冰淇淋。
- Stop sucking your ice-cream. 别舔着吃冰淇淋。
- George, look out and don't let fur fall on your ice cream. 乔治,当心别让皮毛掉在你的冰淇淋上。
- Kev, enjoy your ice cream...Rebecca, let me show you to your room. 凯;吃你的冰淇淋...丽贝卡,让我带你看看你的房间。
- Gil: Anything. Like if your ice cream is melting, boom, put it in. Beep! 什麽都可以。像是如果你的雪糕正在融化,放进去,听到哔的一声马上就好。
- Stop sucking your thumb! 别吃手指头!
- Your ice cream cone is melting and starting to tip!If it falls on the floor, it"ll make a ginormous mess. 不过我还是得赶快去拿一大叠餐巾纸来,先准备着。
- It will recalibrate your refrigerator's coolness setting so all your ice cream melts and milk curdles . 重置你冰箱的制冷度数让好吃的冰淇淋全部化掉,牛奶也馊掉。
- Your ice cream cone is melting and starting to tip!If it falls on the floor, it'll make a ginormous mess. 不过我还是得赶快去拿一大叠餐巾纸来,先准备著。
- Starting out with just a pushcart and a bell, you'll select your ice cream and try to mazimize your profits. 有没有想过自己成为冰激凌产业的大亨?
- That sound's good...Oh, watch out, Li Hua! Your ice cream cone is melting and starting to tip! If it falls on the floor, it'll make a ginormous mess. 还好你提醒我,总算没掉下来。不过我还是得赶快去拿一大叠餐巾纸来,先准备著。
- Would you stop sucking up to your boss? 你可以不要再拍你老板的马屁了吗?
- LL: That sound's good...Oh, watch out, Li Hua! Your ice cream cone is melting and starting to tip! If it falls on the floor, it'll make a ginormous mess. 还好你提醒我,总算没掉下来。不过我还是得赶快去拿一大叠餐巾纸来,先准备着。
- Don't suck your thumb; it's so dirty. 别舔手指头,太脏了。
- Your ice cream and coffee, sir. 先生,您的冰淇淋和咖啡。
- Jack: Mother, I want an ice cream. Mother: Is this your ice cream? Mother: Where is yours? 妈妈,我想要一个冰淇淋。妈妈:这是你的冰淇淋吗?杰克:不,不是。它是提姆的。妈妈:那是你的吗?杰克:不是。那是爸爸的。妈妈:你的在哪儿?杰克:我吃掉啦。