- I wish she'd stop badgering me for a new coat. 我希望她不要再纠缠着要我买一件新外套。
- I wish she's stop badgering me for a new coat. 我希望她不要再纠缠着要我买一件新外套。
- Stop badgering me! 别再缠我了!
- Stop badgering me. 别磨我了。
- Stop badgering your father with questions! 别老拿问题去烦你父亲了!
- She keep badgering me to take her to the show. 她一直纠缠我带她去看演出。
- You can't badger me into going to the party. 你不能纠缠我去参加聚会。
- My children keep badger me to get a home computer. 我的孩子纠缠不休地要我弄一架家用电脑。
- I'll lay you out if you continue to Badger me. 如果你继续纠缠我,我会把你打倒在地的。
- My children kept badgering me to get a home computer. 我的孩子纠缠不休地要我弄一架家用电脑。
- They badgered me into buying a new car. 他们缠得我只好买一辆新汽车。
- The children badgered me into taking them to the cinema. 孩子们吵着要我带他们去看电影。
- In this way, a user can make an unhelpful dialog box stop badgering him, even though the application mistakenly thinks it is helping. 用这种方式,即使程序错误地认为自己对用户有帮助,用户也能够让无用的对话框停止骚扰他。
- Now that our debts are squared, don't badger me with them any more. 我们的债务两清了,从此以后不要再纠缠我了。
- As he tried to chip away at her testimony, a woman shouted from the courtroom spectators' section: "Stop badgering her. 当他试图一点一点地驳斥她的证词时,法庭旁听席上一位妇女喊道:“别欺负人。
- She badgered me into doing what she wanted. 她闹着要我照她要求的做.
- As he tried to chip away at her testimony,a woman shouted from the courtroom spectators'section: "Stop badgering her. She's suffered enough." But the interruption didn't stop Scaring's verbal onslaught. 当他试图一点一点地驳斥她的证词时,法庭旁听席上一位妇女喊道:“别欺负人。她已经够受的了。”虽经打断,斯卡林的口头攻势并未停止。
- She badgered me into doing what she want ed. 她闹着要我照她要求的做.
- As he tried to chip away at her testimony, a woman shouted from the courtroom spectators' section: " Stop badgering her. She's suffered enough." But the interruption didn't stop Scaring's verbal onslaught. 当他试图一点一点地驳斥她的证词时,法庭旁听席上一位妇女喊道:“别欺负人。她已经够受的了。”虽经打断,斯卡林的口头攻势并未停止。
- The children badgered me into taking them to the seaside. 孩子们纠缠不休,一定要我带他们去海滨玩。