- Stereotypic movement disorder 刻板型活动障碍
- Dyspraxia is a movement disorder. 运动障碍是一种运动功能的紊乱。
- stereotyped movement disorder 刻板性运动障碍(F98.;4)
- Rubral tremor is a rare movement disorder that occurs typically with midbrain damage. 摘要红核颤抖症是一种少见的运动疾患,它的发生通常和中脑的病变有关。
- Long-term chronic use, however, is associated with tardive dyskinesia, a movement disorder. 但是,长期服用会导致迟缓性运动障碍。
- All cases showed impaired vision, proptosis ocular movement disorder and higher intraorbital pressure. 均有不同程度的视力下降、眼球突出、眼球运动障碍及眶压升高。
- The doctors point to other people who have similar problems and do not develop a movement disorder such as Parkinson's disease. 医生的根据是那些拥有相似问题而没有造成类似帕金森氏综合症行动不便的人们。
- We continue our serials on learning disabilities with a look this week at a condition called dispressia (Dyspraxia). dispressia (Dyspraxia) is a movement disorder. 我们继续关于学习障碍系列的讨论,本周我们来讨论一种被称为运动障碍的情况。运动障碍就是一种行动紊乱。
- Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA) is a rare, inherited, neurological movement disorder characterized by progressive degeneration of the nervous system. 什么是'神经退行性变与脑铁的积累-遗传疾病的异常运动'?
- The bed partner is also a good person to ask about leg movements during sleep.This could be suggestive of a periodic limb movement disorder. 睡伴也是病人睡眠时腿部运动的良好询问对象,提供情况对周期性肢体运动障碍有提示作用。
- Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions, which force certain parts of the body into abnormal &painful movements or postures. 什么是'多巴反应性肌张力障碍-类型的运动障碍响应左旋多巴'?
- Akathisia is a movement disorder characterized by a sense of restlessness and increased motor activity.Movement disorders are primarily an iatrogenic result of mediation use. 摘要 随著企业间竞争日趋激烈,为了使来自不同领域之员工能于合作时产生最大效益,企业皆体认团队合作已经成为永续的竞争优势。
- Some medicines used to treat other problems can cause movement disorders similar to Parkinson's disease. 但是有其他一些形式的帕金森氏综合症。
- Tremors, myoclonus, cranial-nerve palsies, and movement disorders also occur, although seizures are unusual. 震颤、肌阵挛、颅神经麻痹以及运动紊乱也可发生,但癫痫样发作不常见。
- The meeting finished in disorder. 会议结束时一片混乱。
- Progressive lower extremity weakness, sensory abnormalities, movement disorders, or sometimes with urine incontinence. 进行性双下肢无力,感觉异常,动作失调或伴大小便有时失禁。
- Badly beaten, the intruders fell back in disorder. 入侵者受到重创,狼狈溃退。
- Anti-basal Ganglia Antibodies: A Possible Diagnostic Utility in Idiopathic Movement Disorders? 抗基底节抗体:诊断特发性运动障碍的新方法?
- He's suffering from severe mental disorder. 他患有严重的精神病。
- The meeting terminated in disorder. 会议在混乱中结束。