- Stellaria soongorican. 准噶尔繁缕
- Stellaria dichotoma L.var.lanceolata Bge. 银柴胡
- Materials on the genus Stellaria L. in China. 中国繁缕属植物研究资料.
- Seedling of Stellaria dichotoma L. 银柴胡幼苗
- Stellaria dichatoma L. var. lanceolata Bge. 银柴胡
- Stellaria dichotoma L. var. lanceolata Bge. 银柴胡
- A new species of Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae) from Nei Mongol. 内蒙古繁缕属(石竹科)一新种.
- Reaumuria soongorica and Caragana korshinskii are perennial semi-shrubs. 红砂和柠条是具极强耐旱性的多年生灌木。
- A new species of Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae) from north-western part of China. 中国西北部繁缕属一新种.
- The study of phytotaxonomy of the genus Stellaria in Inner Mongolia. 内蒙古繁缕属的分类研究.
- Reaumuria soongorica comes from tertiary, and is one of the representative species in ancient Mediterranean region. 红砂属植物起源于第三纪、包括亚洲中部在内的“古地中海区系”沿岸地区的代表种之一。
- Reaumuria soongorica built on the north shore of the Yellow River sediment Yashang. 开凿于黄河北岸红砂沉积崖上。
- Under any circumstance, Reaumuria soongorica and Sympegma regelii Bge are dominant species, showing a strong adaptation to local environment. 红砂、合头草无论在任何情况下都能以优势种出现,是能够较强适应当地环境的植物。
- We studied the relation between soil moisture content during the period of Reaumuria soongorica seedlings and their survival rate. 干旱荒漠环境对植物生存是极端严酷的,植物在荒漠条件下生存,有其特殊的适应机制;它们以一种或几种方式适应其生存环境]。
- The LI-6400(LICOR, Inc. Lincoln, NE, USA) portable photosynthesis system was used to mensurate the Pn, E, Gs and PAR of Reaumuria soongorica grow in the field. 采用LI-6400(LICOR; Inc.;Lincoln;NE;USA)光合仪测定野生红砂的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(E)、气孔导度(Gs)、光合有效辐射(PAR)等光合生理指标的日动态变化。
- This article analyzed the reason that people have been taking Stellaria media as vegetable according to the structural characteristics. 同时,从其结构特点分析了可以将其作为蔬菜的原因。
- My experiment is used Reaumuria soongorica seeds in different temperatures,light and germination bed capacity for germination at Lanzhou, Zhangye(Minle County) and Minqin. 不同发芽床(纸上、纸间、砂上、砂中)下三地红砂发芽率没有显著差异;
- Stellaria aquatica Scop. [医] 牛繁缕
- And the insect happened in desert grassland one generation one year, and it lives in soil.Damage was caused by adult.It lives on Artemisia dalai, sympegma regelii, Reaumuria soongorica and so on. 一年一代,以成虫在土壤中越冬,掘洞营地下生活,只成虫危害,幼虫不危害,主食为驴驴篙、合头草、红砂等。