- Steen Steensen Blicher 布利高(1782-1848),丹麦人,诗人、作家。
- Een eerste steen, laat staan oplevering? 迈出了第一步后,能不能继续下去?
- Defeated by Joe Lewis in finals of Dallas Tournament promoted by Allen Steen. 1968年:战败船长马林斯在半决赛中小牛队比赛。(诺里斯作战,断了的鼻梁)。
- Defeated by Allen Steen at the Long Beach Tournament promoted by Ed Parker . 1966年:击败艾伦斯蒂恩在长滩锦标赛促进教育帕克。
- Charlotte Steen:I am from USA.I have been teaching 6 years all levels. 岳鹏,北京第二外国语大学,英语教育专业,两年英语授课经验。
- Steen, can you tell me in a nutshell what the retail market is like in Taiwan? 你可以简单地告诉我台湾零售市场的现况吗?
- These include works by Jan Steen, Vermeer and Frans Hals as well as by Rembrandt and his pupils. 这些艺术品包括了斯蒂恩、维梅尔和弗兰兹.;哈尔斯以及伦布兰特和其学生的作品。
- Steen Narod, a Uniersity of Toronto professor and co-author of the original paper that identified the BRCA1 gene. 多伦多大学教授、鉴定BRCA1基因的论文合著者史蒂文.;那若博士说。
- "It's more likely than not that it will be struck down," said Steen Shiffrin of Cornell Law School. “它很可能被击垮,:康奈尔法律学院的SteenShiffrin说。
- Steen W. M., “Laser Material Processing”, Springer-Verlag London Limited 1998, 2nd 2001. 陈俊良,雷射压印技术之研究,国立成功大学机械工程学系,硕士论文,民国93年.
- Positioning terrorism in management and marketing: Research propositions By: Czinkota, Michael R.; Knight, Gary A.; Liesch, Peter W.; Steen, John. 管理与营销中考虑恐怖袭击因素:研究提议。
- Steen SJ,Permin M,Philip.Randomised comparison of amniocentesis and bransabodominal and transcervial chorionic villus sampling[J].Lancet,1992,340:1237. 高淑英;薛虹;王素桂.;全培基原位培养法应用于染色体异常的产前诊断[J]
- "The early results are promising for anyone interested in using carbon nanotubes in biomedical applications," said Steen Curley, M.D. 这个研究发表在美国国家科学院会议录,附在注射纳单位24小时代谢。
- Steen M W, Counlney C G H.Residual stresses in two laser surface melted stainless steel[J].Metals Technology, 1980(6):232. 曾晓雁.;激光工艺参数对熔覆层质量的影响[J]
- The 18-year-old has been labeled as one of Iceland’s brightest talent by former Danish international Brian Steen Nielsen. 这位18岁小将被前丹麦国脚Brian Steen Nielsen评价为冰岛最有前途的天才之一。
- From this tiny land came the great masters Vermeer, Frans Hals, Jan Steen, Pieter de Hooch, and Rembrandt, as well as an abundant assembly of memorable artists. 无与伦比遗产的肖像,静物,风景,海洋绘画,深刻观察和图像的日常荷兰生活继续宽限期博物馆欧美。
- Steen Stender, a cardiologist at Gentofte Uniersity Hospital in Copenhagen, said the country has seen a 20% fall in deaths from heart disease since the ban. 哥本哈根Gentofte大学医院心脏病专家SteenStender称,自该禁令实施以来,丹麦心脏病死亡人数下降20%25。
- I've told you before about Florence Steen of South Dakota, who was 88 years old, and insisted that her daughter bring an absentee ballot to her hospice bedside. 我在之前提到过来自南达科他州的88岁的FlorenceSteen,坚持让他的女儿带一张缺席选举人票到她的床边。
- Steen, together with some other great figures in this field, puts forward a five-step procedure for metaphor identification, especially for those implicit ones. 但在很多情况下,一个涉及隐喻的句子中并没有明确的信号,这时我们就需要通过层层分析来发现隐喻。
- How is Steen today? 史蒂文怎么样?