- State Street Bank and Trust Co. 主营信托银行业的美国道富银行及信托公司。
- State Street Global Advisors (HK) Limited is the fund manager of TraHK and State Street Bank and Trust Company is its Trustee. 美国道富环球金融资产(香港)有限公司是盈富基金的经理人,美国道富银行及信托公司为信托人。
- State Street Bank and Trust 道富银行及信托
- State Bank and Trust Co of Pinehurst, Georgia, agreed to assume all of the deposits at the six banks, whose branches will reopen under State Bank's name. 位于乔治亚州,派恩赫斯特的美国信托银行公司,同意承担六家银行所有的存款,它的分行将以美国银行的名字重新开业。
- "Dual-income customers should definitely buy a home now," says George Kaiser, vice president of banking operations for Northbrook Bank and Trust and West America Mortgage Co. “双职工确定无疑地应该买房。”
- "Dubya's" father and grandfather were President and Senator respectively, his maternal grandfather founded an elite private Wall Street bank and his younger brother is currently Governor of Florida. “达不溜”的父亲和祖父分别当过总统和参议员,他的外公是华尔街一家著名私人银行的奠基人,而他的弟弟现在仍担任着佛罗里达州州长一职。
- Take a leap of faith and trust them. 来个一百八十度的转弯,采取信任他们的态度。
- First pennsylvania banking & trust co . (美国)第一宾夕法尼亚银行和信托公司
- First pennsylvania banking & trust co. (美国)第一宾夕法尼亚银行和信托公司。
- Jump out at the bank and get a15 there. 到银行下车,现从那儿乘15路。
- Rioter attack the bank and post office. 暴徒们袭击银行和邮局。
- List of legal investments for savings banks and trust funds; determined by each state. Also called legal list. Opposite of nonlegal. 法定的或非法定的上市一览表,其中包括了受信托者可能获得的授权投资项目。
- Yes, there's one on State Street. 有的,在国家路有一家。
- Thieves raided the bank and got away with a lot of money. 盗贼抢劫银行,掠走了大批现款。
- Bank and Trust Companies Regulation Law; 银行和信托公司管理条例法;
- It involves intuition and trust. 它包含直觉和信任。
- Learn to lovingly detach and trust their process. 应该学会满怀爱意地旁观,并且相信他们会走向成功。
- Our kindness and trust was requited only with dishonesty on their part. 对我们的善意和信任,他们以欺诈来回报。
- The bank and the building society are in the same office-block. 银行和房屋建筑协会在同一座办公大楼里。
- You can not heed and trust only one side. 你不能偏听偏信。