- Others are one man press and two man press. 除此之外还有一个紧逼和双人紧逼。
- Try EAS and shoe them your student card, you may have discount on it! With guarantee and the prize is reasonable! Don't believe those small" One Man Band" courier company. 有关托运的问题我在青岛上学,要把行李弄回江苏常州,找什么货运公司好呢?比较便宜的东西可以有保障的。
- The computer start up with me sometimes putting up one big string English time self check up being engaged in such that will suffer from neurasthenia soon! 电脑有时开机自检时出一大串英文把我搞得都快神经衰弱了!
- Heracles was one man, the story of Heracles must also be a unity. 赫拉克勒斯是一名男子,故事赫拉克勒斯也必须是一个统一的。
- In fact, if there was one man who should have given up his life dream, it was Goodyear. 一怒之下,古德伊尔挥舞起拳头,他身上带着的一块橡胶此时恰好掉到滚烫的炉子里。
- However, there was one man who could not participate. Do you know who that was? 但是有一个人不能叁加,你们知道是谁?
- UPS was one of the few companies in the United States to offer common carrier service at the time. UPS是美国当时能提供一般送货服务的少数公司之一。
- Shanxi Taigu Normal School, founded in April 1949, the province set up are one of the earlier Normal School. 山西省太谷师范学校,创建于1949年4月,是省内建立较早的师范学校之一。
- I'm trying to start up a swimming club. 我正在设法成立一个游泳俱乐部。
- The visiting team was one man short so I played for them to redress the balance. 客队缺少一个人,为了保持平衡,我参加了他们的队。
- Eg. When are you going to start up something? 你打算什么时候开始干点正事?
- And gives her the chance to enjoy life without being one man's mule or another man's adornment. 享受生活,不做男人的奴隶或花瓶。
- When the soldiers were on the march, there was one man who was always our of step with the rest. 行军中,有个士兵总是与其他人的步伐不合拍。
- Start Up: The downstream shutoff should be closed. 启动:下游关闭阀应该处于关闭状态。
- Twenty years ago, experts estimated that for every 10 to 15 women with anorexia or bulimia, there was one man. 二十年前,专家估计每十到十五位患厌食与暴食症的女性中,一名是男性。
- The visiting team were one man short and so I played for them to redress the balance. 客队缺少一个人,为了保持平衡,我参加了他们的队。
- The conductor waved his baton, and the band started up. 指挥挥动指挥棒,乐队开始演奏起来。
- There was one man impervious to obstacles, impatient with petty calculation, undisturbed by latent tensions: the father of the European Community, Jean Monnet. 欧洲共同体的创始人让·英内是一位一往无前、胸襟坦荡、临危不惧的人物。
- The power light flashes red and green as the system start up. 当系统启动时,电源指示灯就会闪烁红色或绿色。
- The staff speak as one man on this issue. 在这个问题上全体职员意见一致。