- There is a rumor saying people are getting FREE Starbuck coffee at IRS audit. 我也想知道这个,是不是就可以不报收入了?
- On behalf of Starbucks Coffee Company, we wish you every success in your career search. 谨代表星巴克咖啡有限公司,我们祝愿您在未来的求职旅程中获得成功!
- I saw a man lying on his stomach on the carpet, reading and sipping his Starbucks coffee in the store. 我在店里看见一个人趴在地毯上看书,一边喝著他的星巴克咖啡。
- In 1987, IL Giornale bought the Starbucks Coffee Company and took the Starbucks name. 1987年,IL骄麦购入星巴克咖啡公司,重新命名为星巴克。
- There's Nike, Apple computer and Levi's stores, and the smell of Starbucks coffee hangs in the air. 这儿有耐克、苹果电脑、李维斯的专卖店,甚至星巴克的咖啡香气都飘溢在空气中了。
- McDonald's, the fast-food company, is heating up competition with the Starbucks Coffee Company. 快餐业巨头麦当劳与星巴克咖啡公司的竞争正愈演愈烈。
- Come buy your tickets at the games on Saturday and get a free cup of Starbucks Coffee! 如果你在星期六的比赛期间购票,可获得一杯免费的星巴克咖啡喔!
- Applied ceramic labeling is used to print the “Starbucks Coffee Liqueur” wording on the bottle’s waist. 应用陶瓷标记是用来打印的“星巴克咖啡酒”的措词上的一瓶的腰。
- Starbucks Coffee is the leading retailer and roaster of specialty coffee in the world, with more than 10,000 retail locations around the globe. 星巴克咖啡是全球知名的咖啡零售商、烘焙商及咖啡品牌,现已遍及全球开设逾10,000间分店。
- Yesterday, it is cold, but for me it may be comfortable, when I sit in the Starbuck COffee shop with a big cup of Cappucino. 因为朋友们该走的走了,不管怎么样,希望他们都好把,该处理的事也都处理完了,也该清一清思路了,把自己的未来规划一下。
- Question: Being fond of STARBUCKS coffee, I want to receive VIP coupon every month. Could my demand be fulfilled? Thanks. 问题:因为非常喜欢和STARBUCKS的咖啡,很想每个月都有给熟客的优惠券,希望回复!谢谢!
- Lido District: Five minutes drive, Holiday Inn Hotel, Watsons, Starbuck Coffee, beauty salon and many international cuisine restaurants. 丽都商区:5分钟车程有丽都假日酒店,屈臣氏药房,星巴克咖啡,美容发廊及他国餐厅。
- The greatest difference between United states Starbucks coffee and us is that CIAO offered a more humanity management and services. 我们与星巴克美国咖啡最大的不同之处在于,CIAO提供的是更加人性化的管理和服务。
- But last week, after two days of talks, Ethiopia's Intellectual Property Office and the Starbucks Coffee Company released a joint statement. 但是在上周,埃塞俄比亚的知识产权部门和星巴克公司经过两天的会谈,发表了一份联合声明。
- The company, Starbucks Coffee and Tea, had only four small stores, yet it was buying our product in quantities larger than Macy's was. 这家公司名叫"明星咖啡连锁公司",只有4家小店,向我们买这种产品的数量却超过百货业巨擘梅西公司。
- A Chinese court has sided with the Starbucks coffee house chain in its battle with a Shanghai rival over their use of the same Chinese name, a news report said. 新闻报道说,一个中国法庭支持了星巴克咖啡连锁店的诉讼,这家连锁店起诉上海的一个竞争对手使用同样的中文名。
- As employees slurp the brew, a Starbucks Coffee Educator encourages them to taste a Kenyan coffee's "citrusy" notes or the "mushroomy" flavor of a Sumatran blend. 舒尔茨说:“使得我们的故事和企业本身通向成功的关键是,这些都是真实的,原创的。”
- The company will eventually develop a source of superpremium arabica coffee from Yunnan, said Martin Coles, president of Starbucks Coffee International. 星巴克公司总经理柯斯称,该公司最终会推出一款纯正的云南特级阿拉比卡咖啡。
- GIRLS leave the mall with about twice as many things as they said, and also the Starbucks coffee cup they drank when they met up with a friend on accident. 离开的时候,她们买了两倍她们所说的要买的东西,在星巴克也喝了过多的咖啡,因为她们碰巧在那遇到了一个朋友。
- It cited plans for the so-called desert Louvre, to open in 2013 in the United Arab Emirates, and the arrival of a Starbucks coffee house near the Louvre. 它引述了2013年将在阿拉伯联合酋长国开放的所谓的沙漠卢浮宫计划,以及卢浮宫附近的一个星巴克咖啡馆的到来。