- Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 星球大战-侠盗中队
- During the Battle of Endor, Rogue Squadron flew as Red Group, in homage to the original X-wing squadron that flew over the the first Death Star. 恩多战役期间,为了向原来飞跃第一颗死星的X翼中队致敬,侠盗中队以红色机群的名义参战。
- The speaker is going to debate on Star War with his opponents. 讲演者将和他的对手辩论有关星球大战的问题。
- Wedge's distaste for the bureaucratic decisions affecting his command led him to direct the new Rogue Squadron from afar, as commander of the captured Star Destroyer Lusankya. 韦奇讨厌官僚决定影响他的指挥,因此作为缴获的“卢桑基亚号”歼星舰指挥官,他在远处指挥新的侠盗中队。
- The new Star Wars movie has lots of technical razzle-dazzle. 新电影《星际大战》中有很多技术特技。
- Rogue Squadron engaged Isard in a conflict that became known as the Bacta War, and she was eventually defeated. 侠盗中队在一次被称为“巴克塔战争”的军事冲突中与伊萨德交战,最终战胜了她。
- I am going to see "star wars" at the cinema. 我要去电影院看星球大战。
- GL: Empire is a much different film than Star Wars. 《帝国反击战》是和《星球大战》非常不同的电影。
- II(Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II. 续作《星球大战:旧共和国武士。
- Discovery - The Science of Star Wars. 星战中的科学。
- Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones. 大战前传II-克隆人的进攻。
- Rogue Squadron is an intense third-person action game and a new generation of covert operations for the hybrid. 侠盗中队是一款激烈的第三人称动作游戏和新一代秘密行动的混合之作。
- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II. 旧共和国武士II:西斯领主。
- Rogue Squadron agreed to help Isard if they could secure the release of the prisoners to New Republic custody. 侠盗中队答应帮助伊萨德,前提是他们能顺利地把囚犯救回新共和国,而不受到伊萨德的阻挠。
- QUESTION: Were you a Star Wars fan as a kid? 问:你从孩提时代起就是一个《星战》迷吗?
- No, but have you seen the movie Star Wars? 没有。哎!你看过电影《星球大战》没有?
- Rogue Squadron was restructured around several different starfighter designs to allow for greater flexibility in combat. 同时侠盗中队也进行调整,他们采用数种不同星际战机的设计以求在战斗中拥有最大的弹性。
- Really, everyone my age grew up with Star Wars. 真的,和我一样年纪的人都是伴随着《星战》长大的。
- Rogue Squadron was then pressed into service striking at a secret Imperial armada, infiltrating the fleet aboard captured and modified TIE fighters. 就在这时,侠盗中队奉命驾驶缴获后改装过的钛战机混入一支帝国秘密舰队发动奇袭。
- Chloe: Have you seen all the Star Wars movies? 克洛伊?你看过所有星际大战电影吗?