- It runs smooth, low noise, high strength stainless steel mesh belt, scalability small, not easily deformed and easy maintenance. 该机运行平稳,噪音低,不锈钢网带强度高,伸缩性小,不易变形,易保养。
- In order to improve the quality of magnesium billets,magnesium melt for DC casting was purified by using stainless steel mesh in the magnesium melting furnace with bottom apex. 采用在底流式镁合金熔炼炉中施加不锈钢丝网过滤的方法在半连续铸造工艺中实现镁合金熔体净化,以达到提高镁合金锭坯质量的目的。
- Optionally, the cartridges can be constructed with stainless steel mesh and can be reused after cleaning. And high-pressure droop tolerance( max.2 bars) has consequence of maintenance cycle reduction. 卡筒可选用以全不锈钢滤网,能在清洗以后被重复利用。且有较高压差容忍度(最大2巴),有减少维护周期的效益。
- Optionally, the cartridges can be constructed with stainless steel mesh and can be reused after cleaning. And high-pressure droop tolerance (max. 2 bars) has consequence of maintenance cycle reduction. 卡筒可选用以全不锈钢滤网,能在清洗以后被重复利用。且有较高压差容忍度(最大2巴),有减少维护周期的效益。
- This cup is made of stainless steel. 这只杯子是不锈钢做的。
- Their silver is made of stainless steel. 他们家的餐具是不锈钢制的。
- Calfskin leather key ring with clear Crystal Mesh; stainless steel. 小牛皮皮革钥匙圈有明确的晶体网格;不锈钢。
- If I had a bicycle made of stainless steel, it will never get rust. 要是我有一辆不锈钢制造的自行车,它就再也不会生锈了。
- We installed a stainless steel towel rail on the wall. 我们在墙上装了一个不锈钢的挂毛巾的横杆。
- Stainless steel wire mesh, Welede wire mesh and Crimped wire mesh and so on. 采购产品:不锈钢丝网,电焊网,轧花网,护栏网,输送带等等。
- Stainless steel mesh 不锈钢丝网
- The workers are casting a stainless steel bust. 工人们正在铸造一座不锈钢的胸像。
- Today most kitchens are full of stainless steel. 如今在大部分厨房里不锈钢制品比比皆是。
- With this discovery, stainless steel was born. 因这一发现,不锈钢问世了。
- Is a metal mesh or steel mesh belt conveyor carrier as a delivery device. 是采用金属网带或塑钢网带作为输送载体的一种输送设备。
- Stainless steel Baffle - resists corrosion. 不锈钢隔板-耐腐蚀。
- But how is stainless steel manufactured ? 但是不锈钢是怎样生产的呢?
- Stainless steel, however, does not rust. 但是不锈钢不生锈。
- It is a stainless steel tube about 2cm in diameter. 它是直径约2厘米的不锈钢管。
- Zhejiang Yinhai Stainless Steel Products Co., Ltd. 浙江银海不锈钢制品有限公司。