- St obscured the view. 薄雾笼罩著周围的景色。
- A veil of mist obscured the view. 一层雾使景色模糊了。
- Aveil of mist obscured the view. 一层雾于景色模糊了。
- Mist obscured the view. 薄雾笼罩著周围的景色。
- The lack of respect for the world we live in has obscured the view of our skylines, both man-made and natural. 由于我们不重视所居住的环境.使得昔日我们蔚蓝天际所显现的自然与人为的美丽轮廓,已不复存在。
- Three people died when 50 cars and trucks crashed on a Florida highway. Police say fog and smoke obscured the view and led to the pileup between Tampa and Orlando. 50辆汽车和卡车在佛罗里达州的一条高速公路上发生碰撞,造成3人死亡。警方称烟雾降低了能见度,从而导致了坦帕和奥兰多两城之间的汽车碰撞。
- The foliage of the huge tree obscures the view of the lake. 大树树叶的荫蔽使这个湖的景色变得模糊了。
- Aeil of mist obscured the view. 一层雾使景色模糊了。
- The view was obliterated by the fog. 景色被浓雾遮住了。
- Let me rest a while and look at the view. 让我歇一会儿,看看这景色。
- The large building obscured the hill behind. 那幢大楼遮住了后边的小山。
- The large building obscured the hill behind . 那幢大楼遮住了后边的小山。
- A swarm of insects obscured the light. 成群的昆虫遮天蔽日。
- We were enraptured by the view of the mountains. 我们看到山峦景色,心花怒放。
- Thick cloud blotted out the view. 云层把风景遮住了。
- I can't see beyond the building that blocks the view. 我看不见大楼那边,大楼挡住了视线。
- The views between us are discordant. 我们之间的观点不一致。
- The new building has obscured the fine view we used to have from this room. 我们原本从这个房间可看到的美景,被那栋新盖的建筑物遮住了。
- The haze of distance improves the view. 远处的迷雾美化了他们的形象。
- Heavy mists hung in the valley and obscured the mountains. 蒙蒙雾霭笼罩着山谷, 遮掩了群山。