- Sporotrichositic chancre 孢子丝菌性下疳
- Syhilis, in its primary form, may produce a chancre on the lips. 原发型梅毒可在唇上产生下疳。
- The specific area of infection will develop a chancre. 感染的特定区域将发展为下疳。
- Also have a few patients, do not know to suffer from syphilis chancre even. 也有一些患者,甚至于不知道患有梅毒下疳。
- The disease is also called "soft chancre" to differentiate it from the "hard chancre" of syphilis. 为了将它与梅毒的“硬下疳”相区别,这种传染病也就称为“软性下疳”了。
- Outside the clinical performance that chancre relates except above place, still have a few special chancre. 下疳除以上所述的临床表现外,尚有一些特殊的下疳。
- Know the pattern of these special chancre, very the diagnosis that conduces to soft chancre. 知道这些特殊下疳的形态,十分有助于软下疳的诊断。
- First phase syphilis, also weigh hard chancre, because the surface is erosion face, reason infectivity is very strong. 一期梅毒,也称硬下疳,由于表面是糜烂面,故传染性很强。
- If you have a chancre (sore), they can culture it, but that isn't done as frequently as it used to be. 如果你有硬下疳的症状(疼痛),他们可以通过培养试验来确认,但是这个方法现在不再像以前那样常用了。
- For man in their 50s, the chancre of fathering an autistic child is 9 times the risk of man in their teens and 20s. 例如一个五十多岁的男性养出孤独症儿童的风险是一个十几或二十几岁男性的九倍。
- Lesions generally begin 6-8 weeks after the appearance of the initial chancre and may overlap the time when the chancre is still present. 病变一般开始6-8周后出现的初期下疳而可能是重叠的时候下疳危险依然存在。
- Phyletic: Mixed syphilis, clap, soft chancre only in the past venereal sex is lymphatic granulation is swollen (also say the 4th venereal) label classical and venereal. 种类:过去只将梅毒、淋病、软下疳和性病性淋巴肉芽肿(亦称第四性病)列为经典性病。
- Venereal and main it is urethritis of sex of gonococcus of syphilis, clap, blame, acerb bleb of wet wart, genital, soft chancre, AIDS. 性病主要是梅毒、淋病、非淋菌性尿道炎、尖锐湿疣、生殖器疱疹、软下疳、艾滋病等。
- First phase syphilis is controlled 3 weeks after infection commonly happen, main show is hard chancre and syphilis sex horizontal Xuan. 一期梅毒一般在感染后3周左右发生,主要表现为硬下疳和梅毒性横痃。
- Via a month or so chancre cicatrizations, reaction of serological examination Kang Wa is inchoate syphilis electronegative. 经1个月左右下疳愈合,早期梅毒血清学检查康瓦反应为阴性。
- The primary stage of syphilis is evident a couple of weeks after initial infection as a chancre at the site of inoculation. 早期梅毒的重要特征是感染梅毒螺旋体两周后在原始部位形成硬下疳。
- That doctor asks my symptom only and did not make scrutiny, he says is soft chancre, saying is very troublesome, need treats period of time. 那个大夫只问了问我的症状并没有做仔细检查,他说是软下疳,说是很麻烦,需要治疗一段时间。
- If not treated at an early stage in the hard chancre appears 3-6 weeks after the rash appears, often in the hands and feet at the bottom. 如果在初期不给予治疗,在硬下疳出现后的3-6周内会出现皮疹,常见于手和足底部。
- Clinical manifestation of primary syphilis were generally featured with indurated chancre, secondary syphilis with rash. 临床表现:一期梅毒患者以硬下疳为主,二期梅毒患者以斑疹型皮肤损伤为主。
- Reason is feculent to having the person of coital history, must observe pudenda and the position that produce chancre possibly, achieve seasonable discovery, seasonable cure. 故对于有不洁性交史的人,一定要观察阴部及可能发生下疳的部位,做到及时发现,及时治疗。