- At this stage the neophyte dies and is re-born into a spiritual path. 在这个阶段上,新信徒在灵性的道路上死亡和再次重生。
- In Sufism, the spiritual path toward direct knowledge of God or reality. 伊斯兰教苏菲主义禁欲神秘主义用语,原指信徒在直接认识真主或实在之前所经历的路途。
- Wicca is a spiritual path originating in Britain which recognizes both a feminine and masculine element to the divine. 巫术崇拜是源自英国的精神道路,既认同女性的神性要素也认同男性的神性要素。
- In fact, as we go further along the spiritual path, we learn how to work directly with our fixed perceptions. 其实,当我们在心灵之道上更为精进之后,就能学会对治僵化已久的觉知。
- On the spiritual path she searched high and low but failed to find the Light she sought. 在修行的路上她寻寻觅觅,但都无法见到光。
- Many upon the spiritual path are still in the delusion of desiring to split light and dark. 许多在精神路径上的人类仍然在幻想希望去分离光明和黑暗中。
- They are people who live in a positive vein and who are on spiritual path, whether they are aware of it or not. 他们是以一条积极的心绪生活和走在精神轨道上的人们,不论他们是意识到这一点或者不是。
- The Earth Mother wishes to address a difficult thought-form in most humans who pursue the spiritual path. 地球母亲希望来讲述灵性道路追求者的大多数人头脑中一个思想形态难题。
- Many humans have difficulty receiving, especially those choosing the spiritual path at this time of awakening. 许多提升者在获得上有困难,尤其是在觉醒的此时那些选择灵性道路的人们。
- One can also perceive one's own truth more clearly thereby avoiding the pitfalls upon the spiritual path. 你也可以更清晰地觉察自己的真相,从而避免灵性道路上的陷阱。
- This we see is the hope and dream of so many humans attracted to the spiritual path. 这是我们所见到的,也是如此多的被吸引走上精神道路的人人类所希望和梦想的。
- The need for outdoor excitement fades as one turns inward to master one's spiritual path. 当你转向内在来掌握自己的灵性道路之时,对户外刺激的需求就将会隐退。
- For many upon the spiritual path, reversing their birth chart is a great gift in the ascent to Bodhisattva. 对很多灵性路径上的人们而言,出生星图的逆转是提升到菩萨水平的巨大礼物。
- The spiritual path becomes religion from that point of view, pejoratively speaking. 于是退化地,精神性的道路从此观点就变成了宗教。
- Many who left allowed the group to see the pitfalls and difficulties that can become traps upon the spiritual path. 许多离开的人让团队看到了灵性之路上可能成为陷阱的缺陷和艰难。
- Often they seek the spiritual path to resolve the difficulties within and due to their “feeling” nature. 经常地,缘于其“感觉”的天性,他们会寻求一条灵性道路来解决内在的难题。
- As one takes back their power from the non-physical realms and declares their boundaries, the personality will cease to be a stumbling block upon the spiritual path. 当你从非物质领域取回你的力量并宣告你的界域,人格存有们将停止成为你灵性道路上的绊脚石。
- Each time we are beaten down on the spiritual path, the soul becomes weaker, has difficulty recovering and may even have to begin anew. 在灵性上每遭遇一次失败,我们的灵魂就会越衰弱下去,很不容易恢复,有时必须重新再开始。
- I intend to forgive others upon the spiritual path that choose to follow gurus and create incomplete ascensions for themselves. 我准备谅解在灵性道路上选择跟随古鲁并为自身创建了不完整提升的其他人。
- This simplistic attitude is nothing other than a form of self-elevation, which is a perversion of and a digression from the real spiritual path. 这种简单的态度不能使自己进步,这是一种曲解,从根本上脱离了灵魂世界。