- Spencer方法Spencer's procedure
- 按Spencer报告分3型。There were 3 different clinical courses of CDMS according to Spencer's report.
- 采用Spencer-Dillon方程求得体系的零切粘度。The zero-shear viscosity was obtained byusing Spencer-Dillon equation.
- 战略性贸易政策自1981由Brander和Spencer提出以来已有25个年头。It has been almost 25 years since the concept of strategic trade policy was brought forward by Spencer and Brander in 1981. During this period, great progress has been made in the theoretical research on strategic trade policy;
- 本附录未包含可在Henry Spencer的regex(7)手册页面中发现的所有细节。It does not contain all the details that can be found in Henry Spencer's regex(7) manual page.
- MySQL采用Henry Spencer的正则表达式实施,其目标是符合POSIX 1003.2。MySQL uses Henry Spencer's implementation of regular expressions, which is aimed at conformance with POSIX 1003.2.
- Charles Spencer chaplin1889年出生于伦敦。她的母亲有一半爱尔兰血统,一半西班牙血统,在股份公司工作。他的父亲当年是个三流杂耍剧院的红演员。Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in London in 1889; his mother, part Irish, part Spanish, was playing there in a stock company. His father was a small-time music hall favorite.
- 从Bragg-Gray理论、Spencer-Attix理论、等效电子源理论、Burlin模型和Kearsley模型,逐步完善的空腔电离理论使空腔电离理论应用于剂量计的设计和辐射计量上更准确。The cavity ionization theory is improving step by step on the basis of Bragg-Gray theory, Spencer-Attix theory, the equivalent electron source theory, Burlin model and Kearsley model. It makes the design of dose meter and the measurement of radiation dose more precise.
- 为了能对各种算法有一个公认的评价标准,美国Notre Dame大学Spencer研究组通过对主动质量驱动(AMD)控制的三层框架模型实验的数据分析,建立了AMD控制Benchmark模型。For to evaluate the various control algorithm, Spencer, et al. present a AMD benchmark model.